Chapter 10

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Unless there isn't anymore work in Orlando, I'm not saying I would second our flight today. Miami was too awesome. I wish I could stay longer.

"Ready to go?" Riley popped out his head at the door.

"Just a moment." I turned around and checked my bed sheet. "I lose my phone."

"Over here?" He pointed to his pocket.

"But that's definitely not funny." I glared. "How did you?"

"I sneaked out this morning when you're asleep. Babe I helped you charging your phone." He chuckled.

"At least you should've told me." I took my bag.

"You're welcome." Riley kissed my cheek. "Let's go, everybody's waiting."

"Because I was trying to find my phone." I rolled my eyes.

"You're the slowest." He tickled me.

"You'll pay for that." I buried my head inside his hug. Why so comfortable.

The big van took us back to Miami airport as James and Melanie checked us in the counter. The rest of us were waiting at Starbucks store inside the airport. Gah I hate it everytime a good vacation ends. Miami was just that amazing because well, no phone call from Mom asking when I would go home. Unlike Orlando.

"Luggage!" Melanie yelled to us.

"What luggage?" Morgan, who stood right by her side, yelled back. Melanie just screamed at her ears, that's why.

"The shopping luggage!" The boss started to freak out.

"For beach's sake Mel, it's with me." I pointed to the luggage part above me.

"Oh thank goodness." She relieved.

"Haha." I raised my eyebrows to Morgan. "Be tough, girl."

"Hohoho I love you too." She said sarcastically.

"So..." Riley immediately sat by my left and took my hand. "Let's go home, darling."

"Oh gosh." I shook my head. "Don't play soap opera."

"What's wrong? You're mine. Shush."

Riley, being all little boy, grabbed my left hand and slept on it. He was tired. This morning they had online meeting for hours with James Davis II, the director of upcoming Dangerous music video. They took seriously hours sitting like that meanwhile us, the girls, got compliment from Melanie to sleep all day before this afternoon flight. Heyho. We were shopping til drop last midnight. But I felt bad for the guys. No time for rest. Tomorrow morning we're going down for shooting. And of course, not that we would come home tonight. Not yet.

Few decades later, since I didn't count, we arrived back in Orlando. I shook Riley's hand, and Connor's too because he sat by my right side, soon as we landed. Alright alright, let's back to work.

"This is your room." Melanie threw my hotel room key to me.

"Thanks. Kirstie?" I called her.

"Nope nope. Kirstie, she's mine." This annoying boyfriend wrapped my waist in a millisecond.

"What the fricken heck." I rolled my eyes. "That's not even allowed."

"It's a free country." He smirked around.

"Riley's doing PDA." Toby whispered, but loudly, to Connor.

"Dude. Get over it. You're days away from being 16." Connor chuckled. "Make sure to wake up on time tomorrow morning guys."

"Conway. You are not." I begged.

"I'm sorry. It's his call." He waved away in pride.

"What on earth is going on right here? Hello? Somebody, tell me this isn't happening?" I spoke to any of them in the elevator.

No sound. No answer. At this late night, they just yawned at me showing how uninteresting this is.

"Is that it?" I stepped outside. "It's gonna be a long night."

"Indeed." Riley cleared his throat.

"Babe, yoy know I'm good at slapping people." I groaned at him as he opened our door.

"Wow..." He smirked. Worst.

"Oh my gosh, guys please, I'm still a little kid." Toby covered his ears like a little girl.

"Little kid who actually..." Connor raised his eyebrow at me. "Never mind."

"Lord." I was really unwilling to step inside our room but Riley pulled me in.

So that is that. Bam, I don't even care about my freaking grammar. The thing is this boy couldn't stop dancing along to his Dangerous song. He made me listen to it for 7 times already in less than half an hour. What a life. He even put his phone on the ground in front of the bathroom door as I was showering, to keep me close enough to the beat. Fantastic. I would end up dreaming of being arrested tonight.

"Babe, gosh stop it." I covered my whole body with blanket. "I have memorized that."

"Good! Because you know, tomorrow will be amazing." He was half-sitting in front of me. "You like it?"

"A lot." I nodded. "But not for 10 times in a row."

"Ouch. It's my voice..." He pouted.

"I knoooow and that's amazing the voice that you have." I rolled my eyes. "But set me free."

"Hahaha. You're adorable." Riley pecked my lips.

"Toby said no PDA." I smirked. "Thank goodness."

"Nope. There would not. I'm just admiring your beauty."

He ran his hand through my hair, cheek, arm, and ended up intertwining our fingers. Romantically. I couldn't help but smiling. Yes, they're right. How lucky I am to have him. He does have a good heart. The very good one that I almost lost.

"How I end up being so lucky." He whispered.

"It's me being lucky." I smiled softly.

"No. I could've just lost you. But I can't. Please stay with me baby."

"I am. Not going anywhere though."

"Even after the whole work and stuff?"

"Riley, look at me. It's not about the job I do this with you. For me, when I love somebody, I will do it til the end. I don't know what it's gonna be with you, but I'm not ready for more broken heart."

"No... You're my one and only. We're together forever. No matter what you do, how many stages I would play in my life. I want to grow old with you."

"Grow up. We're still freaking 17." I corrected him.

"Gah, you made it sound not romantic." He chuckled. "I love you Kylie."

"I love you too Ri-guy."

We're kissing the proper one again. With him being so soft and gentle, I was flying to the best heaven on earth. Lied on his chest, cuddled him, watching TV over the night, until we fell asleep. We matched our breathe rhythm and heartbeats. I don't want morning to come.

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