Chapter 27. The Aftermath Bodily And Mentally

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You're body let you down. Pain all over your body. Nightmares following you.
Bit dark!
Reader p.o.v

You woke up. No just kidding. Wait yes you did. Back from the dark dream. You didn't dream anything. Only a black screen for a few seconds. Well at least you didn't had any nightmares. That would make anything suck. Another good thing was that you felt better. Sleep did a miracle to your body. Predaking was nowhere to been seen. Probably was at Megatron his side. They still had a duty. Serving lord Megatron. Amen to, you don't have to work for him🙏. Well maybe it had been some hours. So it was time to go for a walk. Right. On an super high table. Well you did it once a while back. So why can't you do it again? You smiled as you climbed down. Being tall was cool. Even though it didn't last that long. Now it felt like everything got twice as big.

The door opened once standing in front of it. Freedom, finally. But oh your head. What an headache. What happened before you fell asleep? You thought as you began to wander around. Well you could remember Predaking sleeping next to you but the rest was blank. How could that happen? Your thinking got interrupted when you fell over something. "Ouch" you groaned. You held your head as you got back up. Dusting your bloody clothes. You turned back. It was, it was. "AAA" you screamed as you backed away.

Megatron his head was on the floor. "No this can't be!" You screamed in fear. It was impossible to fall over it. Since it was quite big. And you even walked towards it. No this wasn't real.

You began to ran. Pinching your arm in the progress. You stopped. "Huh" you said pinching again. You didn't feel any pain. To make sure, you held your arm to your face. Biting your arm. It sure looked ridiculous but even that didn't hurt. You were still dreaming! This was a dream. The halls you were in began to grow longer and higher. This all was messing with you! You had to wake up.

"Oh y/n~" someone sang. You gasped. You knew that voice. You looked around a corner. Your breathing got heavier. Already forgetting you were dreaming. A gigantic shadow hovered over you. Hesitating to turn. So frozen you stayed. Your arms shaking. Damm. Eyes reflected in the shadow. Purple eyes. You turned around. Meeting a sliver colour legs. Scrolling up. "Ah this is so facked up" you said as sweat rolled down your forehead. Megatron was standing there. Without a head. Alright nope, nope and more nope. You began to ran. Oh boy you were running for dear life. But as you ran you couldn't make it further then ten feet. Still running but not moving forward. How unfair. You looked behind you. Only to see Megatron his headless body moving towards you. His right hand reaching for you. He grabbed you. Slowly began to squeeze his hand. Leaving no room for you. You couldn't breathe. Your head fell down. Meeting the shiny wall. Reflection what was happening.

Suddenly you saw yourself in reflection of the nemisses wall. "Wake up" you muttered to yourself.

And wake up you did.

You felt shitty when you woke up. You're whole body shaking and sweating all over. Pain over every muscle. Even the tiniest muscle was hurting. You were panting in fear. You lifted your thrilling arm up. Pinching your other arm. That inmidely hurt. So no dream. No more dreaming. And you already began to stress about that was going to happen tonight. Unicorn was all over your mind. Stalking you and giving you nightmares.

You swung your cramping legs over the edge. Staying there for a minute to catch your breath. Where was Predaking? You needed someone. Your heart beating painfully. We're you having a heart attack? Because it sure felt like it. You could tell the ship was still moving. So your sleep wasn't that long. You decided to not curse at it. Instead you moved down. Getting the nightmare vibes back. Just relax. You'll be alright.

Your bones hurt, wait before I mention everything that hurts. Everything hurts? Why. Well you didn't knew. Maybe a reaction of the power you had on the human body. That probably was it. You almost bumped into a leg. "Y/n" a calming voice said. You looked up. Standing back up straight. Hiding your horrible dream that was effecting you. "Oh hey Knockout" you said softly. You wished it sounded more happier. You just gave yourself away. "Hey you alright?" He said kneeling down to place a hand on your shoulder. You looked away. Swallowing. "No, I feel actually pretty bad" you said looking back up to meet his worrying eyes. "I know, maybe a power down would help you" he said. Offering that you should sleep again. Your heart skipped a beat.

Right hand shooting up to 'hold your heart'. "That's the thing, I don't want to sleep. I- my- I had a horrible nightmare" you said. "I know it's just a dream, but everything has been wandering around my mind. And the voices" you said letting your chest go. "Ah I see, I'll bring you to the bridge where you can stay to help it cool down" he said scooping you up. "In the meantime I'll have a talk with shockwave how to help you" he said. Walking towards the front.

"Thank you Knockout, you are a real friend" you said. A glimpse of happiness moving over you. "Oh by the way, are we almost back on earth?" You asked as Knockout walked through the door. "Yes, but I don't know how much longer before we land. You could ask soundwave" he said. Placing you down by the computers. A few vehicons working behind it. He ruffled the top of your head before walking away. You looked around. Soundwave was at the other side of the ship. Working there. Megatron not in sight.

What if he's going to lose his head just like in your dream!

No no, no. It's obvious he's checking everything around. That's like his job.

Right, sure. Why don't we check then?

You agreed. Well you agreed to yourself. This was confusing. "Can you help me down?" You asked to the closest vehicon. He held his hand out. You carefully got on it. Remember everything hurts. He placed you down. "Thank you" you said as he nodded and got back to his screen. You shuffled back through the giant door. Looking for Megatron. But you ended up getting lost. This ship was just to big. So checking every door it was!

You were determined. Forgetting Unicron. Checking room after room. Sleeping rooms for all the vehicons, rooms were they stocked stuff like energon and a weapon room. No Megatron. And wait. The autobots! They still had to be in the nemisses. Hopefully Megatron didn't throw them off when you were sleeping. And maybe it took you five minutes before you opened a door. Scanning you as you entered. Everyone was sitting there. In a sort of prison. A blue sort glass was keeping them locked. A lockpad next to it. You were going to need a ladder for that. "Guys" you said waving to get their attention. And it worked. But you couldn't hear then talking. "That's weird" you said getting closer. "Can you hear me?" You asked. Bumblebee gave thumbs up. Smokescreen nodded.

Maybe there was something you could use to break the lockpad?.

You turned around. Only to stop in your tracks. A loud heartbeat coming from your chest. It was bumping up and down in your ears. You bowed forward. An image of Unicron flashed over your sights. You fell back. Crawling with your back towards the cell. Unicron was standing at the door. You blinked hard as you swallowed painfully. Before making yourself as tiny as possible. Putting your head between your arms. Shaking in pain.

The deep loud footsteps made their way towards you. You cried in silence. The wound on your hip and chest stinging.

A hand landed on your back. "Y/n?" You heard. You looked up. Megatron was kneeled in front of you. On one knee

Alright people!

Should I make Megatron kiss y/n in the next chapter?
Word count 1409

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