Chapter 6: The Unexpected Challenge

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2 days pass

~Noah's p. o. v~

Waking up to her in my arms all I could do was smile but what Liz said the other day put a frown on my face so I got out of bed and put her general jacket on the chair right before I left the room to go to main desk. When I got their I find I was discharge this morning so I went back t the room to write a note before leaving the room to again but to go the office.

Finally arriving I knock on the door knowing that the boss would be here early this morning because she has to finish the new privates files. Knocking I heard a quiet come in, so I enter knowing the consequences. When she look up and saw it was me she look show that she was not sure.

"Solider Thomas are you sure about?" She asked as hold out a form with her signature as permission and a order so that I could join. I walk forward nodding my head as she hand me the form.

"I'm more certain than before," I said as accept the the form from her before I salute and turn walking away her.

"Do you think Captain Osbourne will be okay with this," She asked being concern so I slowly turn my head to see the General Sargent looking at me.

"Captain Lily would get over it eventually." I said walking away to head the move my stuff into the bunker with my new team mates.

~3rd p.o.v~

While the general was having a conversation with him the same person that they were talking about was waking up from one of the best sleeps they had in a while but they had woke up to see that the person that she was sleeping next to was gone but she was not happy about it but when she saw the time and date she was more than vex.

~Trinity's p. o. v~

When I open my eyes the first thing I notice was that the warmth I was feeling was gone that was when I finally was awaken and I notice that he was not in bed so I turn to the clock to see it was 5 am but when i saw the calendar I saw I slept for 2 days straight. I then got out of the bed and saw that my jacket was on the chair with a note on it.

Sorry I did not wake you up you had look so peaceful plus I can not forget the last time

I woke you up I think I did not got physical scars but both mental and emotional anyway I hope you had got enough to sleep because when I saw you when  you enter the room the day in front yesterday you look like you could faint at any second anyway you don't have to look for me I just got discharge. Anyway I'll see you later

love Noah

I ball up the up the the note and head too the office the main desk of the hospital and requesting a bag fill with the waters with some minerals in it. When I saw her put in more than 7 bottle I went to say something but I just ignore it and went along with it arriving at the door of my new trainee team I walking into the room to see Alijah and Noah at with the rest of boys trying to separate them both .

"WHAT IN THE NAME IS GOING?" I shouted which made both boys separate themselves tiring not look my way. SO I got annoyed .

"I'M GOING TO ASK ONCE MORE AGAIN WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" I shouted feeling more annoy cause I had to repeat myself more than once but I got extremely annoyed as they play they were not answering but Noah thought it was best to give me a piece of paper and when I took it from him and read through it my blood pressure went up so much I think I nearly fainted. I then look at the boys that look like who they were about to pee them self but not Noah he was smirking but the thing is he never see my anger completely.

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