|Chapter Forty-Two : Prophecies Come True|

Start from the beginning

And that's when I realise. The wind. . .it wasn't moving on its own. I am doing it.

I'd gone plunging my hand through the fire and trying to carve the water to my will. But I'd never experimented on wind.

Every royal lycan have an elemental power.

That was what was written in Valerian's book. Elemental power. Fire, Water and Wind. I have the power to control wind.

With my newfound affinity, I summon the air to push at Keith as my steps grow closer to him.

"Release them." I say again, my voice threatening and icy this time, "I did what you asked me to. Release them now. Don't be a coward and back out from your words."

Keith doesn't as much as flinch at my tone or the brutal wind pushing against him as he crosses his arms over his chest, "I remember my words. And I'll do as I'd promised. Afterall. . ."

He was suddenly in front of me. His finger lifts a strand of my hair and he brings it to his nose, sniffing it in a nauseating way, "Afterall, you did kill that pest for me. Even though you yourself didn't have to do anything, you were the reason why he was ready to kill himself. I guess that's what the prophecy meant. The lycan princess. You would be the cause of Valerian's death. His stupid love for you made him choose his own end. Whatever, I have what I want."

"Release them, Keith." I ignore the sharp stab of pain at his words and urge him again.

He was right. If Valerian hadn't loved me, he never would have. . .I truly am the reason. Dulcamara's prophecy, it did come true.

A sudden wave of energy knocks my breath out and when I look up at Keith, his misty eyes stare at me, "There, they're released. As I gave you my words. Although all of your efforts to save them will go in vain since I'm going to kill-"

Keith's words stop abruptly as his eyes widens. His faces starts losing colour and when he gazes down at his chest, where I had an oak dagger plunged right into his heart, his expression turns shocked and ashen.

But soon raw dread replaces it. His eyes go frantic trying to step away. But even then I could see how he could barely move. I'd made sure it was right through the heart.

I twist the dagger in his chest, my merciless gaze settling on him and brisking in every painful tremor of his body.

"There was another prophecy which stated that his mate would be the one to save him. If I'm the one to end him, I'll also be the one to bring him back." I push the dagger deeper into his chest. The bones in his ribs crumble under the force of my twisting the weapon.

Keith tries to hold back the dagger but his hands fall flail against his sides as if the soul had left them already.

I feel my lips pull into a slow, deathly smirk. The kind of smirk I used to adorn while killing people during my days as an assassin in the creed.

I push Keith's body with a heavy force and he goes falling limply on the muddy ground on his back. Half his soul seems to have left him already. He was a pale, half-detoriating raven on the brink of death. And yet. . .

Yet I couldn't be satisfied.

"You were never worth his love." My eyes flash gold and my lycan claws erupt out as I lunge over Keith's dying body and scratch his face with my claws. The sharp long nails scrape his face, pulling blood and skin and tissues at the harshness of my attacks.

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