Sneaking in

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Fade in to the Blue guys guarding the temple/base that Tex is supposed to attack

Blue Grunt 1: Hey Reds! We're guarding the shit outta this wall, you suck!

Red Grunt: Your wall's easy to guard, try ours!

Blue Grunt 2: You don't even have a roof up there, you suck. What're you guarding it from, birds?

Red Grunt: You suck.

Blue Grunt 2: You suck.

Blue Grunt 1: You suck.

Red Grunt: You suck.

Blue Grunt 1: You suck.

Blue Grunt 2: You suck.

Blue Grunt 1: You suck.

Red Grunt: You suck.

Blue Grunt 2: No you do!

Red Grunt: We suck. No you suck.

Blue Grunt 1: Okay never mind.

Blue Grunt 2: You suck!

Tucker: Oh, those guys? How did they get here?

Caboose: Shush. Tex told us to be quiet.

Tucker: Caboose, we're three hundred yards away. I don't think they heard us.

Red Grunt: I think I heard something.

Tucker: I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

Thea: You just jinxed us.

Tex arrives inside the temple

Andy: Alright. After she takes out those three one by one, we probably stand a chance.

Tex starts beating on one of the Blue grunts

Blue Grunt: Ow, what the hell, that hurt! Ow!

Andy: Or maybe not.

Thea: It's Tex, what did you expect?

Blue Grunt: Ow! Ow! Jesus! Ow! Stop it!

Tucker: Uh oh.

Blue Grunt: What the hell? Ow, ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Second Blue Grunt: Heugh... So, did you watch the game last night?

Red Grunt: Yeah, go Red.

Second Blue Grunt: Screw that, Red sucks.

Blue Grunt: Now you're shooting me! Give me a break, this sucks! What the hell did I ever do to you?! COME ONNNN!

Tucker: What the hell, are they deaf?

A sniper shot hits behind Tucker

Tucker: Oh right, that you heard?

Thea: I knew it!

A plasma grenade lands on the Blue grunt at the turret and blows him up.

All the Grunts: Huh?

That First Blue Grunt: What?

Tex: Hiya fellas. Who's next?

All the Grunts: Charge!

They charge, Tex mows them down with two SMGs, proving once again that she's a total badass.

Tucker: That went well. So much for a sneak attack.

Cut to Donut talking on Red Base back in the Gulch

Donut: And that's how I rescued you both, and saved the day. The end. Any questions?

Red vs blue (female OC) season 4Where stories live. Discover now