New OC

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Name: Shawn

Last name: Ortez

Rank: Private

Armor: mint with black accents.

Species: human

Hair color: black

Eye color: Purple

Assault rifle
Rocket launcher

Affiliations: Blue team

Status: alive

Age: 28

Unnamed parents (deceased)
Unnamed brother (unknown)

Demolition expert
Hand-to-hand combat
Flying a pelican.

Strength: average

Mental health: a bit nutty

Personality: childish, hyper when has a chance to blow things up, serious when talking about older brother, a older brother figure and caring towards his friends.

Likes: Explosions, fireworks, Messing with his enemies, his brother, his friends, his team and helping others.

Dislikes: Betrayal from old friends, people that use other people for their own gain, people that deny what they are and people not taking anything seriously in serious situations.

Fears: losing his brother.

Shawn's parents died when he was young so his older brother took care of him and you can say that their close. Shawn admires his older brother for his bravery and wants to be just like him. One day when Shawn was 15 his older brother left him a note saying that he's going to help people and couldn't bring him along. Shawn understood and went to join the UNSC to be just like his brother.

When Shawn met Simmons, he thought he was suspicious because he kept saying the wrong things and when he found out he was a red he thought that someone just ticked him off and wanted revenge. When he met church he thought he was a jerk but was glad to call him a friend. When he met tucker he thought he was a perv and thought he was cool. When he met caboose he thought he was a little brother and became friends with him.

When Shawn met Thea, he thought she reminded him of an old friend but said nothing and they became friends. When he found out what her type was and told her that he knew someone just like that and that maybe if they each other again he'd set it up because he wanted his friend to be happy again like he was before the accident.

Voice actor: Jack black.

Didn't see that coming for the voice actor. Huh. Any way that's the male OC, if can guess who the friends are before I reveal it then you are a true Red vs Blue fan. And he will be revealed later on, bye.

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