Hard stop

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Fade in to the building the Blues are in

Tucker: Church! Chuu-urch, hey Church!

Church: I'm right behind you dumbass.

Tucker: Oh. Hey Church, do you have a knife?

Church: No. That's a weapon, dude, ask Tex or Thea.

Tucker: Thea said she didn't have one and to ask Tex and She said she had something to take care of. Girl stuff I think.

Church: Huh? Like what?

Tucker: I don't know, I stopped asking questions at 'girl stuff'.

Church: What're you guys doin'?

Tucker: We're gonna teach the Alien how to speak English.

Behind Tucker was Crunchbite, Caboose and Thea looking at a white broad that said 'gi-ve' 'Tuck-er' and 'Give Tucker money'.

Church: How're you gonna do that?

Tucker: People learn English all the time, it aren't that hard.

Church: Maybe you should try learning his language. Like Thea.

Tucker: Screw that, we got here first, and that makes this a colony. Those're the rules, dude. Earth colony, Earth language. And Thea's not gonna be here long.

Church: Tucker there's thousands of languages spoken on Earth.

Tucker: Hyeah, but only one that kicks ass. And that's the one we're teaching. English 101, remedial kick-ass.

Church: Alright, there is no way this is gonna work.

Tucker: Yeah it is, we got visual aids and everything.

Church: Where the hell'd you get those?

Tucker: We made 'em. Turns out Caboose's gun didn't have any bullets- it was loaded with crayons. I just need to cut one of these things, you have a pocket knife?

Church: Hey if you need to cut something, why don't you just use that big sword o' yours?

Tucker: Oh right. Duh.

Tucker draws the sword

Alien: 'What was that?' (sees Tucker holding the sword) 'HE TOOK THE SWORD!'

The Alien jumps Tucker and starts beating him

Tucker: Ahh, what the hell!?

Church: Whoa! Mahan, Tucker, that thing either really hates that sword, or really hates you.

Thea: What's going on-? What did you do!?!

Tucker: Aaaaaaaah, get this freaking thing off me!

Church: Heh wait a second Tucker, this might be a good chance for us to evaluate how these things fight.

Tucker: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...

Church: Now hold still. For science.

Thea: Just apologize to him!

Tucker: I'm sorry!

Crunchbite: 'SORRY WONT HELP YOU!!!!'

Thea: Maybe I can get him off you?


Thea: Never mind.

Tucker: Not the face, not the face!

Cut to Blue Base back in the Gulch, to the sound of the radio tuning in to something

Simmons: Sarge, can you hear me, Sarge, come in. Sarge, Sarge do you read me, this is Simmons, come in.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 4Where stories live. Discover now