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Thank you so much for 2k reads in two days! Purple you all!

Many of them asked me what is the story frequency. Will publish one chapter everyday. But if there is some urgency, i may not update. In that kind of situations i will let you know in my message board. So follow my profile to know about updates. Thank you :)

Into the story :


After ashwin settled himself in his cabin, i went and knocked his door.

Ashwin : Come in

Sivaangi : Happy morning sir! Am appointed as your personal secretary sir.

Ashwin : Ok fine.

I stood there cluelessly. He didn't give me any work. What should i do now?

Sivaangi : Sirrr..

Ashwin : You didn't leave yet??

Sivaangi : You didn't assign me any work sir

Ashwin : Do i have any work in my hands? Go back to your cabin. Will call you through telephone if i need something. ( He said annoyingly )

Sivaangi : Thank you sir

I rushed out of his cabin and settled in my cabin. How rude? I thought he will be a sweet and cool person but he is arrogant and rude. His name is not ashwin. He is going to be named as ...

The telephone rung waking me up from my thoughts. I kept it near my ears and again heard his rough voice.

Ashwin : Bring me a cup of ginger tea with cinnamon.

Saying so he hung up without even waiting for my reply. How dare he?

I looked up and saw him sincerely typing something in his laptop. Yes! I can see him from my cabin and even he can see me as our both cabin is just covered with glasses. Relaxing myself, i went to the cafeteria and made tea for him.

I took it to his cabin and kept it on his table and returned to my cabin without waiting for his reply. When he doesn't care about my reply then why should i wait for his opinion.

( "You may call it ego, but i call it as self respect!" )

I sat on my chair and looked him. He took a sip of coffee and his face become dull. He smiled painfully.

Did i add some spice without knowing? But that's ok, he deserves that for being rude. After 2 minutes i again received a call. Sighing i attended the call. He said me to come to his cabin.

As soon as i entered his cabin, he started roaring like a lion

Ashwin : Miss sivaangi did i say you to leave my cabin??

Sivaangi : You didn't say me anything sir, that's why i left my cabin without waiting

Ashwin : Oh! Don't you have some patience? Am boss or you're boss?

My eyes started getting moist.

Ashwin : Answer my dammit question sivaangi.

Sivaangi : Sorry sir. Will not repeat it again.

Ashwin : Schedule my meetings and prepare a report on the files that are in the cupboard D

I opened the cupboard to find nearly 35 no.of files. This is just a piece of cake for me.

I took all the files and went to my cabin. I started working sincerely and soon the clock hit lunch time. I stopped my work and went to the cafeteria to buy something. I ordered pizza and ate it fast as i was hell hungry. After eating i returned to my cabin and started doing my work.

I looked up at ashwin's cabin to find his curtains closed. Why is his curtains closed? Why should i interfere in his personal life? Brushing away my thoughts i started doing my job.

Soon the clock hit 5 and my duty was over. Even i finished my works and packed my things.

I went and knocked his door but there was no response. I knocked for several times but he didn't open. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

I think he returned to his home. Sighing i went to my home and spent some time with my father and went to sleep.

Ashwin POV :

The same day :

After my morning routine i got ready and reached office.

A girl of young age came to my cabin and introduced herself as my personal secretary

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A girl of young age came to my cabin and introduced herself as my personal secretary. I don't have any reasons to hate her, but she irritated me to the core.

She was small and cute but not more than my Nithya.

I ordered her to make a tea for me. When i sipped the tea, memories of past flashed before my eyes. The tea tastes same as nithya's tea.

This girl is reminding me of Nithya. I think this is the reason i hate her.

I gave her some works which she did very sincerely and perfectly. At lunch break i ate with rakshan in my cabin.

As usual i closed the curtains as i don't want anyone to know about our close friendship. Rakshan enquired me about my personal secretary.

Rakshan : Did you like your personal secretary?

Ashwin : Why should i like her? Am i going to marry her? ( I asked irritatedly ).

Rakshan : I just asked whether she is doing her work correctly

Ashwin : Somewhat. (I know she is perfect but my ego didn't let me say she perfect.)

After some random talks rakshan returned back to his cabin. When i was about to open the curtains, my phone ringed.

Ashwin : Ashwin Kumar here! Who is this?

????? : Had you forgotten me that quickly?

Ashwin : What do you want now?

????? : Am glad that you found me by my voice.

Ashwin : How will i forget you?

????? : I will not let you live happily ashwin. Am going to come into your life again. Be ready for my comeback!

The call got disconnected. The words the person said sent shivers to my spine. The ASHWIN KUMAR is fearful?

Yes! Am fearful to this person.

I was not able hold up my tears anymore. I opened my secret room which looks like a cupboard, but that isn't a cupboard.

I went inside the room, where all my happiness is present. And spent my whole day inside that room with her memories!


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Let's make the purple kingdom stronger for our dear ashaangi 💜

💜Purple you all!💜

With love
Sruthi 💗

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