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201007 : Jen's Daily Log

He doesn't like coffee. I mean, I thought I am the only human alive who doesn't like coffee but ! 

I'm telling you Lolo, Prof. Kim is my soulmate. His music taste, his raspy voice, his love for books and winters, his preferences of movies, his keen interest in art,, his non-fondness for coffee, his love for animals (he owns dog; a pom, his name is Yeontan) , everything fits so well. I've been talking to him for 3 days now and all the things I get to know about him makes me believe more into the idea; He is perfect.

Also, I told mom about him and she say he sounds like someone straight out from a romantic classic novel and honestly, I can't disagree. He is like a Prince-charming, with ruffling dark black hair, skin as smooth as silk, a perfectly built body, husky-manly voice, great fashion sense, mannerism top-notch, a smile worth winning the world, is he too good to be true ?

I like him Lolo. I like him a lot.


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