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Aria's POV


I was silent the rest of dinner.

I was silent, worrying over Saint.

I wasn't in love, I wasn't falling for him, we were just sleeping together. Even still, I've learned more about him this past week than I have our entire lives. Do I know his favorite color? No, but it's little things. I've learned he likes to goof off and skip every class but math, the class where he's so focused it takes everything for me to get his attention. I've learned he has to hold something when he's asleep, whether it's a pillow or me. I don't know his favorite movie, or book, or his thoughts on politics. It doesn't matter to me though. If theres one thing I've learned from any relationship I've ever had, whether they're friend, family, or more...the big things aren't what keep us attached, draw us closer, it's the little things.

I took my first life when I was fourteen. It was the life of a cartel worker who had been trafficking women in Sicily. My hand wasn't forced, I wasn't scared or nervous. Even though I had never killed before, I grew up in a life where it was natural, praise worthy. Sure, I was shaken with adrenaline, but I didn't cry. I never cried when taking a life. 

As I've gotten more involved in my family's line of work, I've had to kill more. I've taken twenty eight lives without flinching, without sparing them a second thought. However, I didn't know any of these people. They were strangers who had done evil things. Saint has done evil things, but he wasn't a stranger. He was someone who chewed on the inside of his cheek when he was thinking. Someone who always had to knock three times before opening the door, no more, no less.

Saint wasn't a stranger, but he's done evil things.

I could never judge him for the things he's done with his family, hell, mine aren't any better. We didn't kill any of their own, though. They took the lives of our best hackers. They took the lives of our workers, our family, my family. I didn't want to admit it, but my father was right. Heirs, especially at our age, take more control in missions, we're involved in decisions. The American's killed Leo and Althea, and Saint was apart of it.

I hated it, but I knew it was the only way I could complete my mission, the only way I could kill him. I took a deep breath, as the car took off back to Stonebridge. I took a deep breath and let all of my sadness go, replacing it with anger.

And boy, did it work.

He took there lives, he killed them. Even if he didn't, let's play the devil's advocate. When heirs turn sixteen, they attend all meetings. They may not have a say in matters, but they are still involved in the conversation and aware of what is going on. Regardless of whose hand pressed the button, detonating the bomb on the plane, Saint knew about it. He would've been there for the meeting and discussion of plans.

Saint knew they took the lives of my family, and he didn't care. There was never a glimpse of guilt in his eyes when he looked at me. Not even the slightest bit of worry I would find out. I know we were just having pointless sex, but I still felt dirty, used. I knew I was sleeping with the enemy, but it almost made me forget why he was the enemy.

I would never forget again.

His father started a petty war, kidnapping my mother and Ben, torturing them both. They worked closely with the Japanese, who at the time were led by Cixi's evil husband, and now trying to end her for good.

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