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Aria's POV


School starts today at 7:00am.


Now, for Stonebridge students, that's just a regular day on the schedule. We sleep, wake up, put on our uniform, and go to class. The morning routine process takes no longer than fifteen minutes. So why in the absolute hell did Kylie feel the need to wake up and start getting ready at 5:00am? God only knows.

"Turn the lights off!" I screamed at her for the tenth time. My pillow was over my face in hopes of blocking the light out but it wasn't working.

"No, get up. Doesn't it take you time to get ready?!"

"Five minutes. It takes me five fucking minutes. Three out of those five fucking minutes are taken up by walking down all of the damn stairs. Go. To. Sleep!"

"Has anyone ever told you you're a bit dramatic?"

"Has anyone ever told you what I'm like if I don't sleep till 6:45?!"

"Grumpy?" She questions.


"I'm almost done, then I'll turn the lights off."

"If you're almost done then why couldn't you have slept for another hour and a fucking half?!" She didn't say anything or respond, but the lights were turned off after a few minutes, followed by the door being opened and quietly closed.

Even though I had been awake, screaming at her for thirty minutes, I quickly fell back asleep, until my alarm went off. Technically, a little after my alarm went off, seeing as I woke up at 6:55. I rushed to get ready and practically jumped down all of the stairs before sprinting through the courtyard. I ran through the building and burst threw door 302 right as the bell rang.

"You're late." Ms. Hathaway spoke, glaring at me with slitted eyes.

"I mean, technically, what is late? Time is not real, just something humans created to measure out the span of their lives. Do you think the dinosaurs stopped their killings because it was Sunday?"

"This is not philosophy, this is advanced calculus. Question life's meaning on your own time." She scolded, nodding towards the directions of the desks.

Every seat was full except for one. It was next to Saint. I was relieved, because this meant I could talk to him about keeping my secret, but worried because I've had Ms. Hathaway before and she hates mov-

"I hope you like your seats, they will be your assigned ones for the rest of the year." Great.

I walked to the back of the classroom, sliding into the desk touching his. Saint didn't even bother acknowledging me, much less starting a conversation. I hoped it would be like this between us, as if nothing ever happened. However, I need us to take a tiny little break from the 'nothing' in order to protect my dumbass.

"Please open your textbooks to page 87." Ms. Hathaway announced, turning to her chalk board and starting to write equations.

"Saint." I whispered. He ignored me as he opened up his textbook and started copying the problems in a notebook. "Saint." I whispered again, still not getting his attention. I kicked him under our desks, which earned me a glare, but still no words. I took no pleasure in what I was about to do, but sometimes the only way to get to a boys head is by getting the other one's attention.

I cleared my throat before opening my textbook and pretending I was studying the problems. Casually, I placed my hand on his thigh, causing him to freeze, with his pencil in the middle of writing. I smirked to myself, slowly moving my hand higher. I stopped when I heard a tiny snap, looking over to see the led from his pencil had broken. I continued going higher until I was pretty much palming him through his pants. Still, he's said nothing. If this was a game of chicken, he's clearly won because I'm ready to chicken out. I started to move my hand, but he quickly placed his over mine before leaning down to my ear so only I could hear him.

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