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Aria's POV



I felt warm and comfortable, almost as if I was in my bed back home. I felt someone slightly nudge me but I ignored it. I knew as soon as I woke up pain would rush to my head from last night.

"Aria..." He whispered. The sound of my name, spoken ever so softly, didn't wake me up either, only lulled me further into sleep. 

What did cause me to wake up? A kiss. A kiss on my cheek caused me to mumble and my eyes slowly fluttered open as they trailed down my neck. When my eyes fluttered open though, they weren't met with hazel, green eyes like Xavier's. They were met with dark blue ones, that reminded me of a raging ocean during a hurricane. 


Everything that happened last night slowly came rushing back to me, but not quicker than the pounding in my head and the bile in the back of my throat. Luckily, I was on the edge and I quickly rolled over, pulling a small trashcan to me and emptying my guts of everything from yesterday, which was mainly alcohol and cheese puffs. I felt him pull my hair back and lightly rub my back, jumping when I realized my back was bare. 

We were quick to leave the roof last night, avoiding as many people as possible. We stopped by one of the benches in the middle of campus and it took everything in us not to rip our clothes off there. We got back to my room and held me against the door, leaving marks all over my neck, but we stopped when we realized a first year was asleep in the bed across from mine.

It should've ended there. If I had been sober, I never would've kissed him, hell, I never would've talked to him. If I was drunk, I probably would've made out with him, but it would've ended when we got to my room and saw her. I wasn't just drunk though, I was completely gone. Saint carried me, running across campus to the boy's dormitory. If we wouldn't have been alone, if Luca was there, it probably wouldn't of happened. It did though, because the room was empty, leaving us to ourselves.

"Sorry..." I muttered after I finally finished, disgusted with myself for throwing up right next to him. 

"It's fine, I just cleaned out the trashcan from when I woke up." No wonder it was already within arms reach. I noticed we were both whispering and my heavy eyes slowly rose to see if Luca had ever come in, but he hadn't. "He's still gone." Saint said, answering the question on the tip of my tongue. "You should probably go though, I'm sure he'll be back soon."

"Yeah." I slowly stood up and my legs wobbled. My hangover was starting to settle in, but I was still slightly drunk. I also couldn't help but notice the ache between my legs. Last night is still very blurry, but I'm pretty sure he made me finish...twice. 

I looked around for my clothes, not even remembering what I wore last night. When I realize I was standing butt ass naked in front of Saint, my cheeks flushed and I tried to use my arms to cover what little I could.

"No point in being modest now." He laughed slightly, but it was quickly covered with a wince.

"Where are my clothes?"

"You were wearing a bikini when we got here last night. I'm sure it's around here somewhere, but I remember your bottoms being shredded in the midst of everything."

"Great." I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "Can I borrow something? I would steal Luca's but I don't want him to question when I got them."

"Sure." He nodded to his closet and I walked over, very aware that he had a full view of my ass. I found a black nike hoodie and quickly slipped it on. It was big on me and the hem went just below my ass, covering everything. I walked over to his chest of drawers and opened the top, finding his underwear. I grabbed a pair of burgundy boxers and slid them on, rolling them at the top until they looked like regular shorts.

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