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Aria's POV


I've always wanted a love like my parents.

My mom used to be normal, boring. She always followed the rules and dealt with anything life threw at her in the simplest of ways. Then she met my father. My father who grew up in a place where the world, as well as its problems, are all at your fingertips.

My brother and I grew up listening to the story of their love as you would any fairytale. Only in this fairytale, the prince didn't want the princess. He didn't want her, yet he couldn't resist her. It wasn't a straight line either, there were many ups and downs with their love. Hell, even today they sometimes fight like cats and dogs, but they never go to bed angry.

Today, they are the Don and Donna of the Sicilian mafia.

When my mom turned twenty three, they found out she was pregnant with me, and to this day, my father calls me his blessed surprise. My mom? I think she was most excited that she got to be pregnant at the same time as my aunt Sarah. Aunt Sarah is probably one of the craziest people I know, but she does have her life together. Her and uncle Ben, my father's consigliere, have Luca. Luca was born a week before me, but the asshole is still childish as hell. He's wise and quiet like his father, but also a crazy party animal like his mother.

When Luca and I were three, my parents found out they were going to be having another baby, a boy. As one would, I told them to sell him or give him to somebody else, but they sadly disagreed, leaving me to deal with a pesky little mongrel by the name Adriano.

My fathers Capos Oliver, Vinnie, and Antony are all like my uncles as well. Uncle Oliver somehow managed to marry a super model, Elle, while Vinnie married a lower ranked Capo, Harmony. Both of them have children, all much younger than Luca and I. Uncle Antony has dated many girls, but he's decided to forever remain a bachelor, or as he calls himself, 'The young, Italian version of Hugh Hefner'.

Together, we are all one big family, the Sicilian mafia.

The Sicilian mafia is one of the top four in the crime world, along with the Russian, Chinese, and American mafias.

Our strongest alliances are Russia and China. Cixi is the leader of the Chinese mafia. She used to be married, but my father may or may not have killed her husband after he tried to rape my mother. Regardless, she decided to stay independent. Cixi used a sperm donor and had her daughter, Sierra. Sierra is nice, but a little shy. She's also Adriano's age.

Annika is the leader of the Russian mafia. Not long after my parents settled, she met Maxim. Maxim is a very scary, viking looking dude, but he's also a big sweetheart. He looks the part for a leader of the Russian mafia, but he sure as hell doesn't act like it. Together, they had the twins, better known as Henrik and Helena. Henrik can be an asshole, but he's never been the disrespectful type. Helena, my sweet, sweet best friend, is a psychopath in its most beautiful form. They both have their crazy moments, just like the rest of us, but they also fear their mother more than death itself.

Then there's the Americans. The American's are led by Jack Williams. They are our allies, but only by contract. His older brother, the original heir, started a war amongst the main four. My father, of course, killed him, but that only left Jack full of vengeance. In order to end the war, my parents, along with Cixi and Annika, agreed to form a contract with Jack. We traded with the Americans just as much as the Chinese and Russians, and we aligned with them. Even though we were allies, we would always be enemies.

When Jack was nineteen, he got a girl pregnant. He had no choice but to bring her into the mafia and claim his first heir, Saint Williams. Saint grew up with Luca, Helena, Henrik, and I but he has never been apart of our friend group, nor will he ever be. Just as all of the American heirs, Saint is nothing but an asshole, outcasted from the rest of us. He doesn't seem to care like you would think, if anything, he outcasted himself.

Then of course, there's me. I am the heiress of the Sicilian mafia, next in line to take over my parents' position. My parents were blessed with my presence an early August morning, and treated me as a princess ever since. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm spoiled, but that is also the life I grew up in.

I like to think of myself as humble. I don't brag about my riches, bring others down for their situations. Yet, I would also be lying if I said a private jet wasn't my main source of transportation. I know how I look to regular people: dumb, snobbish, bratty. It doesn't affect me though, because I've never been around normal people.

All of my friends and I went to private schools in our home country until grade nine. Grades nine through twelve, however, we were forced out of our homes and sent to none other than Stonebridge Academy.

Stonebridge is a boarding school in Washington, which looks like Hogwarts or something medieval. It's on American soil, but the American population is minuscule. Stonebridge is a boarding school, attended by the most elite children in the world. Not only does it cost hundreds of thousands to get in, but you have to be smarter than fucking Einstein.

One of the main reasons all of the children from the top four mafia's attend, is because of what's near it, Omertà. Omertà is the term for silence, sealing the lips of many, however it is also a place. It's a place where all heirs go, receiving training and combat skills for the future positions they will maintain.

omertà, truly, isn't that bad. The only thing that makes it shitty is that Luca gets to go live his life, while Henrik, Helena, and I are stuck with Saint and a bunch of other heirs. Also, it's easy because all they do is train us for missions and help to choose our specialty weapon. My father has already allowed me to go on a few minor missions, such as trade deals. I'm not allowed to 'officially' declare my specialty until my birthday next week, but I have already chosen it. I've chosen the throwing knives, just like my mother. Do you know what sucks about having a birthday during the school year, though? While Luca got to declare his specialty this week, the bow and arrow, I won't be able to until I'm actually back in Italy, winter break.

For the past three years, I have attended Stonebridge on weekdays, and omertà on weekends. Both places are the true definition of hell, which I always swear I'll never go back to, but everyday during the school year I find myself entering one of them. Now, I have one year left. One year and then I'm done for good with those shit holes and I can stay in Italy, training under my father.

My friends and I may have a busy schedule, but we still manage to maintain the top of the schools hierarchy, as well as find our own fun. Whether we use alcohol, weed, or just something as simple as our imaginations, we always find our way into some trouble. Why not though? There are many lines in this world, but they wouldn't be there if they weren't mean to be crossed. Besides, for people like us, people with money, the lines are always blurred.

After Stonebridge, I'm afraid I will lose my friends. Henrik and Helena will go back to Russia, training under their parents. Luca will be learning the ins and outs of becoming a Capo. I'll still see them all every once in a while, especially Luca, but we'll no longer be together. The twins will be countries away and Luca and I will always be too busy for each other.

I love my family, and I love my father, but if I'm going to make it in this world, I need my friends by my side. They always say you'll make new friends when you graduate, but I don't want new friends. I want the people I grew up with. My family and I have a bond like iron, but if there is one thing my mother has ever taught me, it is that we choose our family. We choose our family, and they are mine.

Now, we have one year left. One year to be at the top, cause mischief, and make the best memories of our lives.

It won't be easy, but it will sure as hell be fun...


First Chap!!! I promise there will actually be dialogue in the next lol. For everyone who read crossing the lines...IM SORRY. I know you were all promised an epilogue, but halfway through it I realized it was stupid to have an epilogue when you guys were getting a whole other book. Everything that would've been in the epilogue, and more, will be seen in this book. I LOVE YOU BESTIES!!! Comment and Vote!

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