Chapter Fourteen.

Start from the beginning

"Thank you so much, Ron. We appreciate what we probably already assumed." Jamie called out dryly to her friend who glanced back, his lips twitching in amusement.

"I would've told you all, command told myself and Dick." Peggy hummed, checking her fingernails when the others glanced at her for confirmation.

"Don't they know we're just getting settled here?" More felt the need to open his big mouth. They looked at More in disbelief and Peggy shoots him a sharp look as Speirs slowly just looked back at him but said nothing before walking away.

"I cannot believe you fucking said that, More." Jamie shook her head, glancing at Peggy who wore a disapproving frown.

"Nice, Groucho." Skip told More.

"What?" More frowned confused.

"Real smart." Skip stated before continuing. "Taking your life in your own hands. Ain't that right?" He asked, his last sentence directed at Malarkey which confused the two women. Peggy and Jamie looking at their friend questioningly, what was Skip talking about?

"I told you, I didn't actually see it." Malarkey countered his best friend.

"See what exactly, Don?" Jamie questioned, Peggy and Jamie looking at each other for a moment.

"Don, what did you see and what did you say?" Peggy sighed and asked, the last thing Jamie needed was rumors swirling around her childhood friend. It could lead to things. Peggy already had gotten incredibly pissed when rumors swirled that Jamie and Speirs had intimate relations. It was very obvious they treated each other as siblings. The woman had to go to Dick and Welsh when they came up to help her resolve it (she also heard Joe heard the rumor and wasn't pleased to hear people making rumors about Jamie like that, she wasn't surprised about that). However, she was thankful none of easy had contributed to that rumor.

"Are you talking about Speirs shooting the prisoners or the sergeant in his own platoon?" the voice snapped Peggy out of her thoughts and she looked at them, a scowl on Jamie's face at their words.

"Sergeant?" More gaped in disbelief.

"What? I didn't hear about that one?" Skip uttered with surprise.

"Wait, wait. He shot one of his own guys?" Don repeated.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jamie snapped angrily, Peggy pinching the bridge of her nose. She could see Blithe glance at Jamie concerned. This was hotheaded Jamie right here, but also protective of her friend.

"What prisoners thing? What are you talking about, Alex?" Peggy demanded with a frown.

"Well, with the sergeant, he was apparently drunk and refused to go on patrol. Who knows if that's true." Alex shrugged, completely unaware of Jamie's tone in her words. "You're telling me, you don't know, Peggy?" He asked her, completely surprised that one of their intelligence officers didn't know.

"My job is intelligence on the enemy, not us, dipshit." Peggy deadpanned, Alex looked mildly offended at what Peggy called him but said nothing.

"Well, I know a guy..." Skip began to drawl out, throwing a piece of stale bread at Malarkey who flinched, yelling out an offended hey and was completely oblivious to the increasingly angry Jamie next to him. "...who said that an eye witness told him that Speirs hosed those prisoners."

"Why?" Blithe's voice broke through and asked. "What for?"

"On D-Day." Skip started his 'story' for them and Peggy looked at Jamie who's fist was clenched. "Speirs comes across this group of Kraut prisoners. Digging a hole, or some such. Under guard and all, he breaks out a pack of smokes, passes them out; even gives them a light. Then all of a sudden, he swings up his Thompson and-" He tells them before imitating a rifle going off repeatedly. "He hoses them." There was silence between the group and Peggy kept an eye on Jamie, it was obvious the medic was trying to hold back because Skip, More, Malarkey, and Alex were her friends too. Just as much as Speirs.

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