When I tried to rise, Felix grabbed my shoulders and forcibly pinned me down on the couch, resting my head on a pillow. I was really panicking now. I didn't want to have to hurt him in self-defense.

"Get off, Felix!" I shouted, as I flared my hands and legs.

"Be still," he said, his voice raspy.

When those ocean blue eyes finally met mine, it was as if my body went limp and my heart slowed. I froze as every muscle relaxed. Wait, what was happening to me? I didn't know. Why did I feel paralyzed and so calm?

Felix continued to close in on me, as he hovered over my frame.  Suddenly, he placed his head straight into my stomach. Then his body collapsed, using me as a mattress and my stomach as a pillow. He nuzzled into my tummy and gripped the side of my shirt with his hand as if it was a blanket.

All nerves and fear melted away. So, this entire time he wanted me as his pillow. I sighed in relief. Thankfully, the majority of his body weight was on the couch, so really my body was only dealing with his head and a fraction of his weight.

Honestly, this was too cute. I couldn't push him off. Especially since he was starting to fall asleep. His breaths began to slow as his grip on my shirt loosened. I reached for a blanket and covered us both up. This was the definition of warmth.

I watched as Felix's blonde head rose and fell with my diaphragm. He even started drooling a little. Why did this feel so natural - to have Felix so close?

I played with his soft hair, my hands massaging his head. He responded by further nuzzling the side of his head into me. I even allowed my hands to "slip" and touch his jaw, neck, nose, and ear. Why was it so pleasant? Why did touching something as simple as his ear cause a tidal wave of butterflies?

My head shifted to the window in an attempt to distract myself. Even though it was the middle of the night, orbs of lights flickered across the city. It was amazing to me how there always seemed to be someone who was still awake. And this time it was me.

My mind drifted back to the present as I re-play Felix and my conversation. Was he serious when he said that I was in his Will to receive all of his possessions? Why would he even do that? What did that mean about his feelings towards me? Also, why would someone so young even have a Will? Was he expecting to die soon? Why?

Then he said those words. The ones before he kissed me: you make me human. What does it mean to be human? Was that his way of telling me he loved me? Or did it mean that he just enjoyed my company?

Well, clearly he had some kind of romantic attraction to me considered that he kissed the living life out of me. I'd once heard it said that a drunk person is just a more honest version of themself. Did that mean that Felix had been wanting to kiss me for a while?

And just like that my heart was pounding. When I thought of it. The softness of his lips. The way his tongue moved in my mouth. The passion. I didn't think Felix was capable of romance.

I tried to think about something else, but it was hard. Instead my mind filled with dread for when Felix finally woke up. What would I say to him and how much should I tell him? More importantly, how much would he remember?

I wasn't sure how much time had passed or if morning was almost here. I decided I should at least try to sleep, but when I closed my eyes all I saw was him, all I smelled was him, and all I felt was him.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The morning sunbeams burned my eyes. For a moment I panicked, forgetting where I was and how I got here. It all came back to me when my eyes landed on a sleeping Felix laying on me. It turned out, he had rolled up my shirt so that he was laying on my bare stomach. Made sense - my skin was warmer than clothes. I was just thankful he didn't go any further.

My Boss is Felix: Alternative Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now