🎆 LXXXVII: Inability

Start from the beginning

"I thought he was only competing with you but to think he really did compete with everyone. And everyone knew why he did... because he finally has a chance to be #1."

He closes his eyes and gives a small smile at the memory, noticing the way her eyes land in on the stalls as if she could see familiar people, familiar memories.

"Toshi, you still don't like playing in the stall games?" She asks and he nods.

She complains with a pout as she mumbles it. "Still the same I see."

Ushijima Wakatoshi finds himself satisfied at this scenario— pieces of memories were being collected as they continued walking and talking, the nostalgia easing up the tension. 

She was suddenly smiling again, as time took off the awkwardness bit by bit, as if it was the usual. as if nothing had changed, as if they were still good friends.

...Even if they had been lovers.

But like a reminder, her phone suddenly rang, and she picked it up. Suddenly she seemed a little different, a little brighter, as she answered using a tone he was all too familiar with.

It was a tone of someone in love.

Was she dating someone else? He ponders about it.

But she must have been. It has been few years since they last saw each other so it was possible. 

He used to lament over it— that when they went on their separate ways, their experiences, the people they would meet, and who would they be... were things they could never ask each other again. And he used to lament over it. He used to.

So he found it surprising.

How the question didn't interest him as much as he expected.

"I'm sorry that was... someone I made prior plans with. I was supposed to meet him here after I catch up with you guys." 

"...but yeah, you were the only one that showed up." She adds, sighing but he only nods.

"That's Tendo's fault." He says truthfully and her expression stiffens. She puts two and two together, finally realizing why they were the only ones in this meetup.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now