Chapter 33: Momma's visit

Start from the beginning

Mom is dressed in a red relishing lace body-con dress and silver pumps, her red hair in a cornrow to her lower back and her face with bright make-up.

I guess no one cared that I went missing or maybe she covered it up well.

"You look great," I mutter with a weak smile.

It is hard to smile when I went through a heartbreak with the man I fell in love with.

But I missed her so much.

She pulls me into a hug without saying a word, and I hug her back, leaning my head on her shoulder, melting into her arms, feeling moisture streaming from my eyes. I can't keep my tears in as I begin to sob in mom's arms.

I am crying because of so much. I lost Lorenzo, I've missed her, we lost Alex, and I needed a hug. I loved Alex before I found out he was the detailer of my abduction, and being here reminds me of him and all the good he has done then the bad, but most of all, losing Lorenzo.

Mom pulls away and looks at my face, her eyebrows furrows then her face grows in concern, "Aw, baby," she hugs me once again, seeing that I am hurting.

I stay embraced in her arms for a good while until my tears stop flowing, but more is still there. I've already cried too much. "You're home for good?" Mom asks, and I nod slowly, sniffling and inhaling her scent that I missed so much.

Of course, I am home for good.

Lorenzo left me, so I don't have any choice but to stay. He left me!

Mom and I pull away then we make our way inside the house.

I didn't feel welcome at all. It doesn't feel like my regular home, not after knowing that Alex lived here. "Can I get you, something, sweetheart?" I turn to look at mom when she asks.

"Maybe something to fix my broken heart," I force a smile at her completely joking, or maybe not? But I am.

"Chocolate mocha with marshmallows it is," mom walks towards the kitchen, and I go towards the living room.

I sit on the couch and start looking around at all the expensive things mom and Alex have place around here.

I notice that all my photos are gone, and it's only her and Alex that are placed around with other ornaments. I frown, my eyebrows confuse.

Why aren't any there with me? They were there months ago. "Mom? Where are my photos?"

A brief silence, causing me to be even more confused. "Oh, I had to change frames and clean some. I'll put them back shortly!"

"Okay," I look down at the coffee table before me and see my cell phone. I take it, seeing that I have missed calls from all my friends, family and close professors at my college.

I'll speak to them later.

I lean my head back and close my eyes.

Feeling like a presence is infront of me, I open back my eyes, jumping startle to see my mom before me with two coffee mugs, smiling.

She pushes her hand out. "Chocolate?"

I straighten myself and smile at her. "Yeah," I take the Chocolate and begin to sip some while mom sits next to me, crossing her legs.

"So, how are you?" She asks, trying to build a conversation.

"I just got my heartbroken," I mutter, taking a huge sip of mocha with a sorrowful look that I can't seem to get rid of.

"How so?" She enquires.

"You won't believe the story I am about to tell you. I got abducted, and I fell in love with my abductor. All these months I've been with him," I take another hug sip of my cup of chocolate, shaking my head in disbelief with myself.

I take another large sip. It is warm rather than hot, just how I like it.

She hums and sips from her cup.

I expected a more astonishing look or reaction from her.

Why is she behaving so eccentric? Maybe it's the fact that she hasn't seen or heard from her husband in months and probably worrying about him. Maybe I should've told her about him.

"It was wild because I got chased by bad guys, and Lorenzo protected me all the way," I take another huge, long sip of chocolate remembering Lorenzo being my knight and shining armor over and over again, but now he's.... he's gone....left.

"Lorenzo, huh?"

I lift my head to look at her seeing that I blacked out for a bit. "Yeah," I smile, "he's the most handsome man ever, he's also caring, protective of me, hot, I mean supermodel hot, he... he.. he- wow, I, um, got tired real f-fast," my eyes suddenly becomes heavy midway into talking about the love of my life and my body becomes weary.

I begin to blink consistently.

What's happening? I yawn, looking over at my mother.

My cup of chocolate drops from my hands to the carpet before my body collapse to the couch, my eyesight blurry unable to see clearly.

"Honey, are you okay....?" The last thing I hear is my mother's concern voice before everything goes black.


I open my eyes, seeing that I am inside my old bedroom, laying on my bed.

What happened earlier?

I must've been so stressed that it made me passed out.

I proceed to move from my bed, but I can't.

Oh, my fucking God!

My eyes extend in realization, panic taking over my body.

My hands are cuffed to the headboard of my bed.

What in the world is going on?!

"Where's mom?" I whisper, did someone take her! Did they broke inside while I was asleep! I start to panic with my eyes moving around maniacally.

"You're awake," my mom's voice utters, then she steps from the darkness inside my bedroom.

I look at her, creasing my eyebrows confusingly.

"Mom, what's going on...?" I trail off, seeing her lifting and clocking a pistol.

I start forcing myself up against the headboard, kicking my feet in terror. "W-what are you d-doing m-mom?" I tremble out anxiously, my heart pulverizing against my chest

Has she lost her mind!

I begin to pull on the cuff around my wrists, trying to glance behind to see if there is any loose part to try and force them through.

"What should've been done a long time ago," I freeze and turn to look at her as she looks at me viciously.

What the hell.

My Abductor, My Submissive 16+Where stories live. Discover now