Chapter |7|

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Calvary Battle Finale

Third person's pov:

  |• The round continues, with team Bakugo loosing his points, and team Midoriya hanging on to their one million points.

Kiyoshi glanced at the screen, Bakugo loosing points in a battle was odd. Maybe he got caight off guard? His opponent would've been sly if they managed to take off his head band.

Team Midoriya ran, and just as he was about to command, the horse suddenly slid to a hault. Midoriya opened his eyes from the unexpected twist, and met eyes with grey and blue...

They were facing Todoroki now...

Kiyoshi narrowed her eyes, muttering a small "okaka".

Team Todoroki charged at them, covering themselves, and Kaminari charging up his attack.

"Indiscriminate shock 1.3 Mllion Volts!!!"

Dark Shadow quickly moved, appearing infront of the team whilst taking the attack. And then Todoroki froze th ground behind them, leaving trails of large frosting ice.

As team Midoriya were just running away, Dark shadow attacks the team, whilts Kiyoshi opened her mouth.

At the sme time Yaoyarozu blocks the attack, Kiyoshi cursed Todoroki to get heavier. Leading the horses to slowdown and almost trip.

Kiyoshi smirked, in was only for a briefe moment, but the curse would only last for fifteen seconds. They should be thankful she didn't curse the horses to trip on their own feet.

Kiyoshi glanced behind, only to gasp when she saw the line. She signaled Uraraka, and they both halted. Team Todoroki was still at them...

"Ah! Team Midoriya is cornered!"

'There's only one minute left, we need to move', Kiyoshi thought. She began to think.

Todoroki on the other hand, was getting pissed. Midoriya always moves to his left, meaning he can't freeze them, Midoriya saw through his strategy...

'This guy....', he thought, irritated.

"Guys, we have less than 1 minute left...", Ida started, the dual haired biy glanced down at him, curious. "If I use this skill I wont be able to do anything anymore...I trust you!", He says, steeping one foot forward and leaned down on a running position.

"Hold tight! Grab the points, Todoroki-kun!!"

"Recipro Burts!", Ida was as fast as a race car, his team shot forward towards team Midoriya in an alarming speed. And Kiyoshi was greatly alarmed...


Her words echoed, her cursed shout reaching Ida's ears.

And so he tripped, on nothing...

"What the—!"

His quirk deactivated, and his was about to fall to the ground, followed by Kaminari and Momo, and Todoroki followed too. But the dual haired boy also has advanced reflexes, and used his quirk to freeze the ground, ice rising up like large poles, pushing Ida's chest up.

𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀: 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃 [Shinsoxoc]Where stories live. Discover now