Chapter 1

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Skyler's P.O.V





Glass was spread around the floor, and I spent a half hour cleaning it up.

Ugghh! I thought to myself. Seriously, another broken alarm clock! That's the 8th one this month! Wait, where are my manners? In the bin? You guessed it, but I will introduce myself anyway. My name is Skyler, I am 16 years old and I turn 17 tomorrow. My parents died when I was 14 so ran away and I live by myself.

Anyway I slouched out of my bed and to the bathroom. I turned on the shower then stepped in. I rinsed my hair then stepped out. I dried myself off then looked at myself in the mirror.

I have natural wavy blonde hair, flowing past my butt, and striking blue eyes that can look into your soul.

I walked into my closet (a walk in closet!!) and grabbed my black leather skirt that reaches my knees, a white tank top, and my famous black leather jacket. I left my hair down in natural waves.

To say I was pretty is an understatement, I am HOT! But I don't care. I can have any boy but I don't like anyone.

I grabbed my iPhone and put it in my pocket then walked out of the house. I locked the door then put my helmet on. Then I hopped onto my Harley Davidson! Omg this is my baby!

Anyway I pulled out of my driveway and headed to hell- oops I mean school!

When I pulled into the school car park everyone stopped and stared. I jumped off and shouted,

Don't people have their own lives?

Then everyone turned around and went back to their conversations.

"Why should we listen to you b****?!" Came a screechy voice from the crowd. Everyone stared in horror as a freshman emerged sashaying towards me winking at boys. She had on a pencil skirt that looked like a belt and a half shirt that showed way to much cleavage.

"What did you say to me sorry? I don't speak sl*t." I was shooting daggers at her and she immediately whimpered then stumbled back and tripped over her own feet and landed on her butt. Everyone laughed in her face and pointed.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled and everyone shut up. No matter what she did, nobody deserves to be humiliated. I know from experience...

Anyway, I strolled through the front doors and headed to my locker. I banged it open then got my stuff.




Stupid bell. I haven't even made it halfway to class. I was outside the classroom then barged in.

"Why are yo- oh, uh, co-ome ii-n Sk-yller. Take a se-at." The teacher stuttered. I smirked then headed to the back. Right after me a very attractive boy walked, ignoring the teacher he stares right at me and I stare right back.

He then openly checks me out and I raise an eyebrow. He had tousled brown hair and emerald eyes. Overall he is gorgeous!

"Hi my name is Damon." The mysterious boy said and then he walked to the spare seat next it me.

"Anyway on with the class..... " the teacher carried on and I zoned out.
The bell rings then I grab my stuff then rush out of the class. I jam my books into my locker then decided I was gonna skip.


I was lying in my bed staring at the roof when I felt a sharp pain in my spine. I screamed in pain. I heard bones popping and cracking. Then it stopped.

~Hello child~ A voice in my hear spoke. Her voice was so heavenly.

~what's happening?~

~let me explain. I am your inner wolf. I will guide you. Also my name is Silver. You are a werewolf child. You are a rare one to so hunters will try and kill you. Look in a mirror and you will see~

I stumbled on four paws over to the body sized mirror. I gasped.

I was a white wolf with silver lightning strike running across my fur.

~I look amazing!~

~I know, but remember that there are other werewolf at your school so be careful. Make sure no one sees you in your wolf form. Go to sleep now child. To shift human imagine your human body~

I did that and to my surprise I was NAKED! I put on my other pair of pajamas then fell to a deep sleep.

A/N: Hi, I don't know who my characters are so can you help me please. Comment or vote. Thanks.

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