A Competition and Vow

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After savoring her appearance long enough, Loki complied and closed the gap, and dug into her mouth with his. He felt her slender fingers travel up his neck, curling around the locks of his hair. A soft moan escaped her throat, every sensation of his body bowing down to the sound to her.

In the distance, a line of fireworks shot into the air. Loki tried to pull away to look, but Adira caught his bottom lip between hers and pulled him back. The booming of fireworks echoed around their synchronized heartbeats. Loki felt his whole being, aching at the touch of her body. He pushed her back until they met the railing, which only made him cling on even more.

Finally, Adira broke away, completely out of breath. Loki took a step back, his hands never leaving her, breathing heavily. He faintly smiled at the effect he had upon her, smiling even more at the effect she had upon him.

"Are. . ." Adira took another breath. "Are all kisses like this?"

"No. Not all. Only mine."

She raised a brow and smirked, clearly unimpressed with his cockiness.

Loki smiled and leaned against the railing, his hands still lingering at her waist.

"Are you sure about that?" She leaned in, the colorful fireworks lighting up her face in such a way that provoked him to accept her challenge.

This time it was Adira who closed the gap, starting more gentle this time, slowing down the aggression. Loki complied with her movements and let his mouth press against hers more lovingly and tenderly. Her fingers traced his jawline, going once again down his neck, stopping at his Adam's apple. In return, Loki traced where the edge of her dress met the skin of her back.

Adira giggled and pulled away. "Stop! That tickles!"

Loki grinned. "Ticklish are we?"

"Maybe just a little."

"But I guess that settles it," Loki smirked. "I'm the better kisser."

"Only because you cheated!"

"I am the god of-"

"Of Mischief. I know. You've said it like, what, a dozen times already?"

"Really? I didn't think it was enough times. Here, let me say it again . . . ."

Adira laughed, shaking her head. She turned and looked up at the fireworks. "You know, back on Earth -Midgard- the Americans would always light the sky up with fireworks on the day of when they won their independence. I always thought they were amazing until now that I see these. How is it that everything in Asgard is better?"

"It's only better because you're here."

Her response was a short laugh and a shake of her head.

Loki held out his arm. "Care to dance?"

Only then Adira heard the faint music from the ballroom, still playing in the background. But it was slower in a more romantic way.

She nodded and took his arms, but instead of leading her back inside, he stopped in the middle of the balcony. Placing his hand on her waist, taking hers in his other, he began leading her into a simple Walz.

Adira took her cue and placed her free hand on his shoulder. Loki leaned over, his mouth hovering over her ear. After a few seconds of recollecting some old memories, he finally remembered the lyrics and began singing them softly in her ear. The sound of his quiet yet heart-pricking voice soothed her mind. The song, though she did not understand the dialect, relaxed her nervous heart, causing her to lean against his chest.

Loki felt her shift position and he slowed their pace to a calm rocking, wrapping his arms around her. She did the same in return.

When he was finished singing, and when the fireworks ceased, Adira looked up at him. "What is the song about?"

Loki lifted his hand and stroked her hair. "It's about a woman, waiting in a blossomed orchard for her lover to return back to her."

"Does he come back?"

"The song doesn't say." Loki paused. "Adira, darling. My love."


Loki stopped dancing and held her in front of him. "I promise I will never leave you. I will stand by your side, no matter what happens. Even if you aren't always mine, my heart will forever be yours. Your very soul has bewitched me in a way I could never in a thousand years do with all the tricks that I know. And I'm afraid you've cast this spell upon me without even realizing."

"Loki, I have cast no spell upon you. I am not capable of doing so. But rather, it is you who has put the trance on me, for I have never loved a man as intimately and tenderly as I love you."

Grabbing her hands, Loki dropped to one knee and caressed her wrists. "I am not a perfect man, but your affection gives me hope. I can't promise you the world or even a throne, but I can promise you my heart for eternity. Adria, will you marry me?"

Adira squeezed his hands, smiling from ear to ear. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you!"

Loki jumped up at her response, picking her up and twirling her around. Once again the fireworks sounded, not entailing half of the excitement they felt.

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