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If it was cold, Loki couldn't tell. But it sure wasn't warm either. It wasn't dark or light. Just nothingness. Without even a longing for deliverance. 

Then the familiar sound of a maternal voice came flooding. In an instant, Loki knew his mother was waking him.

His eyes fluttered open to see two angels, and Thor, standing over him.

"I beg your pardon but, I don't usually enjoy being looked down upon while I'm sleeping."

Frigga smiled. "Neither do I. Now, come. We haven't much time."

Loki sat up. "And where exactly are we going?"

"To save your life!" Thor practically shouted. "How unobservant can you be? You were literally here the whole time while we discussed the plan."

"Well, if you hadn't noticed, I've been quite unconscious to be observant of anything really."

Adira placed her hand on his shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know actually. How about mildly sarcastic? Maybe a hint of - oh wait!" Loki stuck out his arms. "I can't feel my fingers!"

Thor raised his brow.

Loki moved his feet. "I can't feel my toes either."

"Enough," Frigga chided. "We must go. NOW."

Sneaking out of the palace, the four went to the Bifrost.

"This is treason, you know," Heimdall said as he opened the gate.

"Not if the queen's involved," Frigga smirked. "To the dark realm, please."

"Dark realm?" Loki protested. "Have you all gone mad?"

"Possibly," Adira answered without looking into his eyes.

They entered the Bifrost and were sent hurtling down to the dark realm. The sky was red with white shards scattered all across. The ground was jagged and hard with back, rocky blades sticking out everywhere. The air was light to breathe but heavy on their shoulders. It was cold, yet the atmosphere wreaked of the flames of hell itself.

"Whatever we're doing," Loki muttered, "I don't think it's a good idea."

Thor began leading the way, the others following behind him.

"We don't have much of a choice." Adira rolled back her shoulders.

"There's always a choice," Frigga explained. "We're just choosing the best one."

Loki pulled out his daggers, handing one to Adira.

Confused at the gesture, she just stared.

But Loki nodded.

Adira sucked in a breath and slid her fingers around one of Loki's most prized possessions. With the handle in her hand, she stared at her reflection in the blade.

"I hope that will be enough to defend yourself. Universe forbid if you have to." Loki flipped his other dagger in the air. He had never entrusted anyone with one of his daggers, yet he didn't feel a bit wary or cautious when giving one to Adira. He only hoped she knew how to use it.

"I'm blessed to oversee all talent, remember?" Adira smirked. "That means I can be good at whatever I want."

Loki chuckled at the place where his mind went to when she said that, a small sign of the life in him fighting against the curse. 

"Adira, before anything happens I want to tell-"

"WATCH OUT!" Thor's voice gave enough warning for Loki to throw himself on Adira, shielding her body with his.

As they fell to the ground, a giant spear whizzed past and stuck into the ground inches away from Loki's feet.

The sweet smell of Adira's perfume brought his attention back to her. His arm around her neck had saved her head from a nasty blow to the ground. 

"Are you alright?" He panted.

She nodded, her legs rubbing against his.

He suddenly realized how close they were and blushed. Pulling himself off her, Loki helped her to her feet hoping that his mother didn't see too much.

The knowing look on her face proved him otherwise. In any other circumstance, she might have  lectured about his lack of dignity and self-control. But it was his best guess that she already knew that he had been closer.

It was just to transfer the curse, he told himself. Nothing else.

Frigga shook her head almost as if to tell him to stop lying to himself.


Adira dusted herself off, her heart still racing from the sudden surge of adrenalin. She stole a glance at Loki, his face was red as he nervously fidgeted with his dagger.

Remembering the dagger in her own hand she almost laughed. "This thing almost stabbed you when knocked me over."

"Better me stabbed than you killed." He mumbled.

A piercing screech came from over the horizon.

"Get ready." Thor swung Mjolnir. "They're coming."

On top of a faceless six-legged creature, a leader of the Dark Elves came charging. In his ancient dialect, he spat out terrible threats.

Using her abilities in talent, Adira concentrated on deciphering his words.

"Asgardians-" he yelled "-you will meet the death we have forever lusted."

Thor summoned his powers, lightning stripping the sky as thunder blocked out the war cries of the Elves.

Frigga held up her hand. "Wait. We are not here to fight. Only frighten them a bit."

Thor threw her a confused look only long enough to comply with his mother's wish. He smashed his hammer to the ground, sending lighting pulsing towards the Elves. The impact left them shocked and falling to the ground. But within seconds, they got back to their feet and again advanced, this time faster.

"Well, that was no help!" Loki shouted.

Adira shook her head. "If we're doing this, we're doing this my way."

Before anyone could protest, Adira threw the dagger back to Loki. She ran her hand through her hair, turning each strand into a red scale. Her fingers turned to claws as a tale and wings extended outward. Her whole figure transformed into a red beast, which kept growing until she was the height of the Empire State building. Her belly boiled as she readied herself for her most powerful weapon.

Completely in shock, Loki dropped both daggers.

"Why the hell didn't she come as a dragon in the first place?" Thor squinted up at her.

"I can only keep this form for a few minutes before collapsing, so don't be afraid to get involved if you have to." Adira roared, her voice deeper and huskier. She flapped her wings and lunged into the sky.

Adira flew high into the red sky, then let her body turn itself over, sending her diving towards the Elves. They began firing all sorts of weapons at her, but none gave a scratch. Flipping her tongue into her throat, she gagged herself, causing her through reflex to pull out all the gas and fire. The flames spilled out her mouth and came billowing over the thousands of Dark Elves. 

Author Note: 'Allo guysss!! It's been a few days, my apologies. I've been caught up with work and family affairs. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter, the next should be coming out soon!! Please let me know what you think in the comments. They are always appreciated!

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