The Gift

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Adira paced back and forth in her room. Secrets? She never liked secrets. Happiness can never be derived from them.  How could she keep the truth of someone's identity from them? At least it wasn't expected of her to talk to him. If they never spoke, then she would never feel pressured to tell the truth.

A soft knock interrupted her thoughts.

She stopped pacing. "Come in."

Loki stepped into her room.

Her hand flew up to her mouth so she wouldn't say anything stupid. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him.

"Is something wrong?" He rubbed his hands together.

She shook her head no.

"Oh, bad breath is it?"

Adira stifled a laugh at his comment. Then, finally brave enough, she uncovered her mouth. "No, sorry. I just wasn't expecting you."

"Ah." Loki smiled.

After a few minutes of silence, Adira threw him a whimsical look. "Did you, uh, need something?"

"Oh right, sorry." He held up his hand apologetically. "I brought you something from Midgard."

She raised her brow in surprise.

Loki snapped his fingers, an object appearing in his hands.

"A ukulele!" Adira ran to his side. "May I?"

"Of course. It's all yours."

Adira placed the ukulele in her arms and began grazing the four strings with her thumb.

"It's beautiful! Where did you get it?" She stopped strumming.

Loki paused. "It's a secret."

"Oh good. Now I don't feel so bad about keeping a secret from you."

"I beg your pardon?" He raised a brow.

Adira covered her mouth again.

Just then, Lady Sif walked in. "Hey, Adira? Oh, there you are Loki. What are you doing here?"

"He was just leaving," Adira said for him.

Loki smiled at the ground.

"Oh, well, either way, you both are invited -and expected- to be at the celebration. The Warriors Three would like to meet the girl they fought for today. You can bring that thing if you want too." Lady Sif pointed to the ukulele.

Loki gestured for Adira to go first. "Shall we?"

"Lead the way, Lady Sif." She nodded.

Loki was tempted to place his hand on the small of her back but retracted his hand before it got too close. Instead, he shut Adira's door and followed close behind. But not too close.


"Adira! Goddess of Joy!" Thor shouted when they finally made it to the dining hall. "Come bless us with your joyful bliss."

Lady Sif smiled and pointed to the three men Adira saw with them earlier that day. "These are the Warriors Three. Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun."

"My pleasure," Adira curtsied.

"They, unfortunately, are set on the number three and will not be convinced to extend to a Warriors Four. Me being the fourth."

"She should be proud for being a soloist," Fandral said, taking a bite of a drumstick.

"Have you come to play us a ballad?" Hogun put his arm around her, staring at the ukulele. 

"It would be my pleasure." She began strumming.

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