The Goddess's Ballad

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*Cover designed by @spider-mad * 

Midgard, 2010 (two years before the attack on New York)

The Bifrost opened and spat two beings down to the surface of the Arizona/Mexican border. The rainbow bridge left as soon as it appeared, leaving a burnt crescent symbol. The wind picked up and blew a few of the charcoals into the dry grass, causing it to blow up into flames.

"Aren't you going to fix that?" The blonde one said to the other.

The other shrugged. "It's not my problem."

"Loki, Father sent us to cleanse Midgard, not to burn it!"

"Theoretically speaking, fire is a form of cleansing," Loki smirked.

Thor began swinging his hammer.

"Alright, fine!" Loki grunted, and with a swish of his hand, the flames smothered.

Thor smiled. "Good. Now let us go find this girl."

"We don't know exactly what she is. According to the ballad, she is a shape-shifter, we could be looking at her right now and not even know it."

Thor laughed. "You're right brother. Maybe she's that tall prickly thing over there. Go give her a warm, Asgardian hug." He pointed to a saguaro cactus.

Loki scowled while his brother continued to laugh.

A few miles away, a Mexican grey wolf caught hold of a new scent. She lifted her head, curious. They weren't predators or prey. More human, but not exactly. Wait. It couldn't be. Frightened, the wolf turned her head and began running to her den. How did they find her?


"It's getting dark, Loki. I'm calling the Bifrost," Thor whined.

"No! Wait." Loki held up his hand. He dropped to the ground and transformed into a snake.

"Brother, as much as I like your silly games, I'd like to go home."

"Shhh!" The serpent hissed and slithered into the tall grass. He came up upon a creature's den and slid inside.

The grey creature saw him and growled. It was the way her eyes pierced Loki's that gave her away. He knew then, he had found her. Turning away, she paused and sniffed. She smelled Thor. Loki lunged forward and bit her in the leg. She yelped and kicked the serpent away. Loki scattered away and transformed back into his humanlike appearance, running back to Thor.

Out of breath, he muttered, "I found her."

"Well done, brother!" Thor slapped Loki's back, knocking him to his knees. "Show me!"

Loki lifted himself up, grudgingly, and led the way.

When they got to the den, the wolf had wandered out a few feet and laid on the ground.

Thor slowly frowned. "This is a dead dog."

"No. She only deceives you, brother. This is not her true form."

"But you still killed her nonetheless."

Loki shook his head. "Thou art a fool."

Thor gave him a puzzled look.

"She is only sleeping. Come on, pick her up. I'll call the Bifrost."


Back at Asgard, the wolf was put in a collar and chains and brought to Odin. She was still asleep when Thor placed her at his father's feet.

"You did well, my sons." Odin approved.

"What shall we do with it, Father?" Thor grinned at the praise.

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