Loki's Choice

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Standing in the farthest corner, Adira watched as the doctors ran tests on Loki's body. Thor was pacing back and forth, constantly biting his fist and running his hands throw his hair. Frigga sat reverently by Loki's side, caressing his wrist with her hand.

As soon as Loki had fallen asleep, Adira called for the guards and he was immediately taken to be medically assessed.

The doctors finished scanning the tests and sighed. "There is nothing wrong with him physically, but he has symptoms as if he was bitten by a serpent of darkness."

Suddenly remembering her bite mark, Adira pulled down her sleeve to look at it, but it was not there. She pushed the others out of the way and went to look at Loki's shoulder. There, in the same place it had been on her, were two fang holes.

"He took it from me," she whispered. "Even the bitemark."

Frigga heard her. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Thor took notice too. "What, mother?"

"Loki took the curse from Adira." Frigga grabbed Thor's hand. "He gave his life to save hers."

"Is this true?" Thor asked Adira.

Adira nodded in response.

"This can't be the end. If he took it from her, there must be some way to reverse it or even for me to then take his place."

"I am afraid we don't have any of those options," Odin said as he entered the room. "A bite from a serpent of darkness can only be transferred by someone who loves the victim. I do not doubt your love for your brother, but once transferred, the curse remains permanent and then cannot be removed."

"But then that means. . . ." Thor began, turning his gaze towards Adira.

Adira stepped away from Loki, all eyes turned to her. She didn't know what to say. Her mind was blank and her mouth went dry. Her heart thumped, synchronizing with the slowing of time. Her palms grew sweaty, and she wiped them on the sides of her gown.

"There is one way," Frigga drew the attention away from Adira, "that we can save him."

"I absolutely forbid it!" Odin stated before his wife could finish.

"What? What is it?" Thor begged.

"Because the Dark Elves created the serpents of darkness, they have the magic to remove it," Frigga answered. "If we can somehow convince one of them to help us, Loki's life will be spared."

"There is no way in the nine realms that an Elf will help us or that I would allow such interaction. It is best to let fate run its course this time." Odin swooshed his cloak and left the room.

Adira's eyes fell upon Loki's rising and sinking chest. 

In. Out. Pause. In. Out. Pause. Repeat.

There was no smile on his face. Or a frown. There wasn't even a continence of peacefulness. He was just there.

"I have an idea," Adira suggested.

"What if we trade in my life to the Dark Elves in return for their help?"

"My dear, Loki didn't willingly give his life for you to only throw it away." Frigga frowned.

"You talk as if he's already dead."

"He will be," Thor stated bluntly. "But I like where you're going with this. But instead of fully handing you over to a bunch of bald murderers, what if we trick them?"

"Sure." Adira nodded. "But the Elves won't be so easily deceived."

"That is why" - Frigga stood up - "I will be going with you. I am a master sorcerer and will do anything for my sons."

"But mother, it will be too dangerous!" Thor protested.

"Oh, and raising you and Loki wasn't?"

"Well. . . ." Thor shrugged.

Frigga chuckled and commanded the others in the room to leave. When she, Thor, Adira, and Loki were alone, she spilled her plan. 

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