The Serpent

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Adira shivered.

Was it relief that surged through her or disappointment when Loki didn't follow her? 

Transforming into her human form, she stood and walked up a hill, the wind picking up, stabbing through her hair and the silk of her dress. She closed her eyes and let the thoughts of Loki sink from her mind, allowing the grief of the death of her family and kingdom to officially set in. 

Suddenly gravity grabbed onto her, draining the blood to her feet. Her head and shoulders becoming physically heavier. Screams bounced in her head as faint breaths of a last plea hovered over her ears. Happiness turned to fear. Silenced by death. Murder.

Adira opened her eyes to the setting sun. The wind continued to blow, carrying the whispering of her name with it. It begged her to turn around.

Behind her, a black cutout into the mountain stared down at her like a snake upon a broken bird. It wreaked of magic and secrets.

The longer she stared, the more color drained from her face, filling her eyes with an obsidian pit. It called for her. Giving a promise that it could bring them back. All of them.

"No." She breathed and turned away.

But the darkness caught hold of her and sucked her in. She screamed, but a thick fog fell into her lungs and muffled her voice. Slick scales slid across her body. It continued to wrap around her legs and waist. The fangs of a serpent sunk into her shoulder. Poison wasn't emitted, but rather draining something from her.


It was the sound of the lake waters crashing up against her body that finally woke her. Adira opened her eyes but saw nothing. She couldn't feel either. Only hear.

Crickets chirped and frogs croaked. She even thought she heard a fish jump.

But there was nothing to feel. No love. No joy. Not even pain or sadness. There wasn't even the grief of her loss or the confusion and fear of Loki.

"There she is!" she heard a shout from the distance.

Soon more voices encircled her. Were they joyous? She couldn't tell. And she usually could.

A tear trickled down her cheek. It was the first thing she could finally feel.

"Oh, my, sweet" -the soft whisper bringing life into her- "by the throne of Asgard, what has happened to you?"

Taking a breath, Adira's sight returned, revealing Loki kneeling beside her. He lifted her out of the water and off the shore, carrying her in his arms. The rest of the search party lead the way back to the palace.

Adira tried to speak but she body would not yet move, let alone even make a sound.

Loki carried her the whole way back to her room in the palace. He left for only a few minutes while the ladies in waiting changed Adira into dry clothes, as to give her some privacy of course. When he came back, he pulled up a chair next to her bed, refusing to leave her side.

She tried hard not to, but Adira slowly fell back into a deep slumber.


The snake came back and Adira screamed.

A warm hand grabbed her arm and brought her back. She was sitting up in bed. The room was dark, but the moonlight was shining through the windows lighting up the floor, and Loki, who was sitting right next to her.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped. Her own voice and aggression startling even her.

Loki's brows furrowed, but then into a smirk.

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