A Slight Devastation

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"We need to get to the Elve's castle," Frigga shouted over the chaos. "Only there we can extract the curse."

"Wait!" Loki shouted. "You mean you're all risking your lives for me?"

Frigga looked into his eyes - already black and fading from the curse. "Yes, son."

"Loki, we would do anything for you. We're your family!" Thor reassured. "You can be a real pain sometimes, but you're still my brother."

Loki felt tears come to his eyes, but none fell. His heart pained at the love he felt but the emotions retracted as the curse fell on him more. His knees grew weak and he fell to the ground.

Running to his side, Frigga steadied him and held him close. "Thor, tell Adira to come back. Only she can take us to the castle."

"Yes, mother!" Thor swung into the air, flying towards the furry creature who was seconds before Adira.

"Mother, why?" Loki questioned.

"Loki, you have many faults. But the most annoying one being blind to the most obvious of all things in the nine realms." Frigga teased. "You are surrounded by those who love you."

"But I would never imagine-"

"Loki, I thought I taught you better to have a greater imagination than that. I hope one day you will stop taking your worth for granted."



Turning her head, Adira saw Thor bolting towards her.

"You need to take Loki to the castle!" Thor shouted, his eyes glowing like the lighting trailing behind him. 

Adira nodded and flew back in the direction towards Loki and Figga, letting Thor take over and while her fire refueled. She landed next to Frigga and Loki and gently grabbed them in her hands as to not scrape them with her claws.

Once again, she was back in the air. Far away in the distance, she saw a tall fortress, its walls crumbling at the sight. Adira pushed through the air, her body already growing tired. More and more elves popped out of the ground, shooting arrows and darts at her. Thankfully, she was too high up for them to hit her.

When she got close enough, Adira held Loki and Frigga close to her chest and dove into the castle, breaking into a circular stained-glass window. She curled her whole body around them to protect them as they crashed. Her body slowly turned back and when they hit the ground, she was once again her human form.


Loki coughed as the dust settled around them. He stood himself out of the rubble and helped his mother up.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Yes, I'm quite fine, thanks to Adira."

Amazingly, there wasn't a scratch on her and Loki didn't feel anything hurt on himself. 

"Wait, where is she? A dragon can't just disappear like that." Loki whirled around, searching the open space of the room.

"Loki, over here!" Frigga called.

Running back to her side, Loki found her looking into a giant crater. At the bottom laid a small unmoving girl. Loki's heart stopped. He threw himself over, sliding down the bricks and debris until he got to the bottom.

"No, no!" He cried as he picked up her bruised body. Blood ran down her neck from the crack in her head. Her dress was completely torn to where he could see the smooth skin of her stomach. 

Frigga cried for help as she was attacked by a group of Elves. Hesitantly, Loki set Adira down and in his rage, conjured up two swords and charged after the Elves. He blocked out everything else and began slaughtering each and every one of them, brutally and painfully.

He kept this up until the curse began draining his energy, numbing his pain and hatred. His arms grew weak, giving the opportunity for the elves to overpower him. The last thing he heard was the cry of his mother and a crack of thunder.


Frigga mustered all she could to use her magic to pull the Elves off her son, but it was no use. They kept coming. She yelled for Thor and suddenly the room was lit with lightning with a crack of thunder followed. But soon, even Thor was overpowered.

"You, Queen of Asgard," a husky voice growled behind her.

Frigga turned face to face with Malekith, Lord of the Dark Elves.

"Release my sons and you may have your coveted princess of Agenshire."

"She is dead. I wanted her alive."

Frigga furrowed her brows. 

Malekith laughed. "She is too powerful just to kill. She would have been a great asset in the destruction of Asgard."

Thor and Loki were brought in front of him, bound by the largest Elves. Loki's body twitched as he slowly woke from unconsciousness.

"After our attack on Agenshire a few millennia ago, I learned of her great strength and power. All these years I've been hunting her down, but it wasn't until recently that I discovered she was in Midgard this whole time!" Malekith began circling Frigga. "Then, when your pathetic sons took her to Asgard, I knew I would have to change my tactics."

"You were the one who sent the serpent of darkness!" Loki spat beneath his breath. 

Malekith grinned. "That would be correct. I was planning to set the curse free once I got my hands on her, but since you were idiotic enough to take it upon yourself, I will let you suffer each and every moment until it kills you."

"No!" Thor shouted and lunged forward. 

A monstrous Elf whacked him back to the ground and bound him tighter in chains.

Turning his attention to his men, Malekith shouted his orders. "Odin will soon be missing his kin and will come looking for them. This is our ticket into Asgard, so prepare for war!"

The Dark Elves chanted together in excitement, raising their weapons in the air. Malekith grinned at his so-believed victory.

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