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The next few days Adira stayed in her room. It was lonely, but it was safe from encountering Loki again. Frigga had brought her harp-like she said she would, but Adira had grown tired of playing it. She knew she couldn't lock herself up forever. Her inner wild was craving freedom. And fresh air.

After Lady Sif had brought her breakfast, Adira transformed into a wolf and trotted outside. It reminded her of the days of prowling Mexico and Arizona. Peaceful and fun. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth and wagged her tail. She walked around the courtyard for a while, checking out some different scents, then went on her way outside of the palace.

"What are you up to this morning, darling?" A voice called after her.

She stopped and sat on her hind legs. 

Loki shuffled out of the shadows and crouched down in front of her.

Adira immediately sucked her tongue back in her mouth and clamped her mouth shut. If she had been in human form, she would have been blushing.

"Haven't seen you in a while." 

He stepped closer towards her, causing her heartbeat to increase. Unsure of what to do next, Adira's adrenaline kicked in and she scampered away. She kept running until she made it to the woods. Surely he wouldn't have the gall to follow her. 


Well, that was rude, Loki thought to himself.

He crossed his arms and began walking in the direction Adira ran off to.

A heavy hand slapped across his back and pulled him into an aggressive embrace.

"Loki!" Thor exclaimed. "Come! Join us in the arena. Maybe you can finally beat Lady Sif this time!"

Shaking his head, Loki pried Thor's arm off of him and held up his hands in protest. "Maybe some other time, brother."

Confused, Thor stopped. "You've never refused a fight before."

"Maybe it's because I'm already in one."

"What in the nine realms is that supposed to mean?" Fandral came up behind them, carrying an ax on his shoulder.

Loki eyed him up and down. "Something I'm sure you quite wouldn't understand."

Offended, Fandral swung his ax around and held it beneath Loki's chin. 

Throwing a quick smile of regret, Loki slowly pushed the ax away with his finger.

Bursting into laughter, Fandral dropped his ax to the ground. Thor joined him, leaning on him with his arm.

Loki sighed in relief, and taking advantage of the moment, he left before they stopped laughing. He went into the woods, hoping that's where he'd find Adira.

He went deeper and deeper, into the darker parts of the forest, still seeing no signs of her. Taking another step, a bush caught his leg and brought his attention to the ground. He unhooked himself from the plant and saw that there was a piece of gray fur attached to the same bush. 

Suddenly, hot breath reached the back of his neck, sending tingling through his scalp.

"You shouldn't have followed me."

Loki slowly turned around, still crouched on the ground. Seeing Adira still in wolf form, he smiled disappointedly. "Then you shouldn't have run away from me."

Her wolf eyes narrowed. "Who said I was running away from you?"

"Your uneasiness and body language did. And the defensiveness in your voice just confirmed it."

She growled and knocked him to his back, standing on top of him on all fours.

"You know," Loki stared into her eyes, hoping to get the human out, "I find it very fascinating that you can still talk while you're in the form of a creature."

"Oh, and like you can't?"

"Actually, no. I can't." He put his hand around her paw.

She retracted her paw and nipped at his fingers, barely missing his flesh with her teeth.

Loki grinned. "Feisty today, aren't we?"

Adira rolled her eyes and hopped off his chest.

"Thank you." He sat up.

She ignored him and laid down in the dirt.

"You don't seem very, oh what's the word? Blissful. That's it. You don't seem very blissful today. Why is that?"

"Is the God of Thunder always making thunder?" She replied coolly.

"No. But as the God of Mischief, you must know I'm always up to something." Loki winked.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"Only if you want me to, love." 

She shook her head and laughed.

He wished to see her eyes. Her human eyes. To confirm the way they lit up when she was happy. The way he imagined them in his head.

"Why do you stay a wolf?" He asked, hoping to get her to change.

"Because I like it."

He raised his brow. "Oh?"


"That can't be the only reason."

Adira rested her head on her paws.

Loki watched her. There was conflict within her. He sensed it.

"Don't you dare scoot closer to me," She snapped.

"How'd you know I was about to do so?"

"Because. I'm the Goddess of Joy. I know what will make other people happy."

Loki coughed, embarrassed. He blinked, hoping that it would reduce the warmth in his cheeks. 

Adira smiled at the effect she had on him. "It's also why I haven't transformed into my true form."


"You know why." She stood up and scampered off again.

Dusting himself off the ground, Loki just watched her walk away. Is this what the other's feel like when I play my tricks on them? 

No, this was much worse. Much worse indeed.

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