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“ Morning Dr. Y/n !! ”
I got startled when I heard Dr. Deshpande's voice behind me.
Umm well let me introduce you myself , I'm Dr. Y/n a neurosurgeon working in Apollo Hospital in Mumbai ( India ) . Well if I tell you about my education then I completed my post graduation after MBBS from Harvard University.
“ Good morning!!  ” , I greeted him back.
It's been just 2 months that I completed my PG and started working here.
“ Actually I wanted a favour from you Y/n ” , he said. He called me Y/n because I was his daughter's age.
“ Yes yes of course, what is it? ” , I asked
“ Actually there's a man who has come from South Korea to take his brain tumour treatment here in our hospital, but I don't know how to talk with him because of language problem . Will you please check this patient on my behalf ? ” His eyes were pleading.

“ Of course Sir no problem! ” I agreed.
He was happy and went back to his work.

Around 2 pm a man entered my cabin

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Around 2 pm a man entered my cabin.
I couldn't believe he was ...
“ Woah!! You are Kim Taehyung's dad right? ” My expression maybe scared him for a while cause he didn't move for a whole minute. Then after realizing that he really was Kim Taehyung's dad he said in his deep voice just like Taehyung's,
“ Yes yes I am... Actually I didn't knew that my son is still popular that too in an another country . ”
His these words clenched my heart. BTS members didn't disband but they started doing other things as well like,  V started his own fashion brand, Jungkook and Jin started working as actors, Jhope runs his own mall , RM started his own business of jewellery, Suga started writing books and Jimin became a well known Youtuber with millions of subscribers.
                                . . . . .
After all the checkup I told him that he had second stage brain tumour and we have to perform a surgery and after that he has to stay in hospital for 20 days and for an year in India for regular check up if in case his condition lowers down. He immediately agreed to the thing.
“ I have no problem Dr. The thing is I haven't told my kids yet about the tumour it's just my doctor friend told me that I have signs of tumour so I should go for a surgery but I didn't want to do it South Korea otherwise my kids would have realised about the situation . I lied to them that I am going for vacation with my wife which means their mom. ”
“ But Sir I suggest that you should tell them now cause we need family as well for the agreement before surgery . ” I said.
“ OK I will call them and will ask them to come here .”
I wondered how he was agreeing to the things so easily.

                       . . . . . . . . . .
I looked at myself in the mirror, a cute Chubby face who wasn't able to stop grinning.... I was looking like an emoji!!
Yesterday after meeting Mr. Kim for third time in one week he told me that today Taehyung was going to come to the hospital to accompany him . I was really happy!!!! Being a huge fan of Taehyung I couldn't control this feeling of mine.
My all clothes were lying on the bed waiting for me to choose that who amongst them is going to smell hospital smell today....
" Ahh geez I don't even have clothes to wear!! Everything is black, white, Prussian blue, grey and orange and tattered jeans " I was really angry on myself that I always buy expensive shoes instead of clothes. Every time I enter the mall to buy few clothes you'll see me coming out with two or three bags of shoes....
Whatever... I was supposed to manage somehow...

11 am in the morning..
I was sitting in my cabin try to keep a calm and cold face as if I don't care about anything. At any time they were supposed to come. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach . I had chewed about 7 chewing gums till now .
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
" Yes? " I responded.
The door opened and there was standing a guy with black
T-shirt and black ripped jeans, a black cap and Gucci shoes . I have Gucci shoes too ( but I had to save money for 6 months) .

" you must be Dr

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" you must be Dr. Y/n ?" he asked
" umm ... Yeah.. And you are...?” ( I knew who he was but I was just pretending to be not recognizing him)
" That day you were really excited by just seeing me.... You were like : Ohh my God you are Kim taehyung's dad and now you are like..... " Mr. Kim interrupted.
Ahh this is so embarrassing...
Mr. Kim was mischievous, after all he was Taehyung's dad.
. . . . .

The day of surgery
Taehyung looked nervous. He was holding his dad's hand and they were talking in Korean which I didn't understand , maybe he was assuring his dad that everything would be fine or maybe he was convincing himself.
I had already told Taehyung that the chances of successful surgery was 69% and since it was second stage he didn't have to worry about it but still he looked pale. But on the other hand his dad was quite cheerful and glowing.
" Let's go sir ." I requested.
" Don't worry sir everything will be fine. " Jimin said with a smile on his face.
All the other members had arrived the day before yesterday to cheer up Taehyung and his dad.

Around 2 pm the surgery ended successfully and I was really happy about it. I ran outside the operation theatre , there was another door between the waiting room and operation theatre. I opened that silently with no expression on my face. Everyone saw me and stood up with different questions in their eyes :-
Taehyung's eyes were asking - ' Did it go well? '
RM, Jimin, Jhope had the same question in their eyes.
Suga and Jungkook were looking at me with a request to spit it out.
But Jin looked so confident as if his eyes were saying - ' I know it went successful. Now tell me what Indian food should I try . ' ( lol just kidding )
I told them that it went successful.
All of them almost started jumping of happiness!! All of them were really adorable.

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