Season 3 Teaser

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"She's still out there! We have to go find her!" Sans says from the classroom.

"Sans..." Aizawa's voice says sadly. "It may already be too late..."

Sans looks at Aizawa and says "I don't care. I will find her, even if she's dead."

Suddenly, Kyouka stands up and says "I'll help!" Sans' eyes widen. She's... Actually willing to help him with this?

"Me too." Eijiro says as he gets up with a grin. "If she's out there, than we need to find her."

Katsuki grits his teeth and sighs. "Damn... I guess I'll help too."

Even King stands up and says "Count me in. She's my friend, so I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least look for her. Oh, and Dabi will come too."

Dabi looks at King and says "Who said I'm going?"

"I said you're going." King days as he grabs Dabi and lifts him out of his chair. He sets him on the ground with a smile.

Aizawa sighs as he looks at all of them. "Fine, you can all look for her. However, you all still need to participate in the internships that will be happening in a month. If you don't find her by then... Well, you'll have to take a break."

Sans and his friends nod in agreement, but then Aizawa says "Oh, and also... You have to take someone with you of my choice. They won't be from this class, but they will still be helpful. I just need to see if he agrees or not."

Sans says "Alright, that works with me." Aizawa smiles. He's glad that his students have come this far. Sans feels at his new shock collar. He doesn't know how he did it, but he broke the other one. Sadly, he had to get a new one. Sans smiles and says "Alright, when can we start?"


Alrighty, there's the teaser. Now, I will say that Season 3 will start in a week or two, but I'm still not sure about one thing. A couple chapters ago I asked whether or not you guys wanted the chapters to be longer, or if they were fine the way they were. Only one person responded to that, and I need more input on this. I can't make a decision off of just one person's response. Anyways, do you guys want the chapters longer, or the same? Side note, I'm super excited for Season 3!!! Criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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