--Season 2-- Chapter 14: Chara

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As Izuku enters the area, Aizawa Sensei's voice can be heard by everyone partaking in the test. "Attention everyone. There is a new team. Team Midoriya, and it only has one member. The only member of team Midoriya is Midoriya Izuku."

Izuku grins and says "I have more knowledge then anyone else does. That puts me at an advantage. However, winning while using an advantage wouldn't prove anything, so I need to wait for things to change a little bit..." Izuku decides to wait for a few minutes, before running into the ruins of King's battle. He comes across King, frozen in place. Izuku chuckles and keeps moving.

Meanwhile, Sans and Kyouka grow worried. It's quiet. Too quiet... Sans gulps and looks at Kyouka. "Hey. What do you think is happening in there?"

Kyouka shrugs and says "Who knows? All that matters is that you're safe here. If we keep you protected, then we'll win." Kyouka gives Sans a smile. Sans returns her smile with one of his own.

Suddenly, Dabi runs in through one of the entrances. He's out of breath, and injured. "We're in trouble." He says. "King was fending off team Todoroki all on his own. I ran away when I saw him fall." Dabi catches his breath and says "So that means that we're down to only five of us—."

"Correction, you only have three." Fumikage says from above them. "We took down Kirishima and Bakugou, and we have you surrounded."

Sans grits his teeth in frustration. This is going horribly. Their numbers have been cut in half, and their strongest fighter is gone. "Shit."

"If you surrender then we won't have to use force." Fumikage says. He's in a winning position. He still has five members on his team, which is more than any of the other teams by a decent amount.

Sans grins and says "Why would I surrender when I'm so close to winning?" It's a bluff, but that's all Sans can manage. If he makes any of Fumikage's teammates second guess their odds of victory, then he'll be able to take advantage of that.

While Sans and Fumikage are staring each other down, they suddenly see a large amount of ice shoot out from around the center of the city area. Almost instantly, the ice is shattered, and a loud "SMASH!!!" can be heard. This distracts both teams, as they stop and listen.

"Team Todoroki has been eliminated. Three teams remaining." Aizawa's voice says over an intercom. Sans gulps. That was definitely Izuku, and if Izuku is here, then he's definitely coming for Sans.

"Anyways. Let's finish things up here, so I can go and take down Midoriya." Fumikage says. His dark shadow comes out and flies towards Sans. Sans just smiles and lifts his hand. A Gaster Blaster fires off straight into the air. The light from the beam wards off dark shadow, but Sans doesn't let up. He lifts Ochako into the air and traps her in a sphere of bones. He had to deal with her quickly, or her quirk could cause some issues.

Hanta attempts to wrap some tape around Sans, but Sans just pauses time and grabs the tape. He swings Hanta around and slams him into Rikidou, knocking Hanta out and damaging Rikidou in the process.

"You can't beat me Fumikage. I'm the perfect counter to your entire team. Ochako and Rikidou can't touch me, Hanta can't trap me, and you can't handle the light from my Gaster Blasters. Give it up." Sans fires off another Gaster Blaster in Fumikage's direction. Fumikage barely dodges, but it's obvious that he isn't doing well. "If you wanted to beat me, then you should have teamed up with someone that I don't directly counter."

"Damn, he's right." Fumikage attempts to fly away, but he gets hit by a Gaster Blaster. He isn't down, but he's getting very close.

Kouji watches in horror as his team gets obliterated by Sans. Ochako can't move, Rikidou and Fumikage are both injured, and Hanta is knocked out. Not to mention Yuuga, who got taken out in the beginning by Katsuki. "I'm... Tired of being so useless..." Kouji looks at Sans and yells "Attack!" Suddenly, hundreds of flies zoom towards Sans. The bugs limit his vision, and he has no choice but to fire off multiple Gaster Blasters at himself. His body burns as some of the beams graze his own body. Some even hit him directly.

Kyouka jumps into action. She runs up to Kouji and punches him in the jaw, knocking him out. "Sorry Kouji, but Sans needs to stay in the game." Dabi then acts as well. He lifts his hand up and releases a wave of fire in Rikidou's direction. Rikidou reaches for a sugar pouch in an attempt to use his quirk, but it's no use. The heat from the fire knocks Rikidou out.

Only two members remain of team Tokoyami. Ochako, who is still trapped in the bone sphere, and Fumikage, who is too injured to put up a good fight. Fumikage takes a deep breath, and says "I surrender..."

Sans smiles and releases Ochako. She lands on the ground with a frown, clearly upset with the outcome. Fumikage pats her shoulder, and together they make their way to the exit. "Team Tokoyami is eliminated. Only two teams remain."

Sans doesn't have time to celebrate. A red knife comes out of nowhere, and stabs into Sans' arm. Sans screams in pain and looks up. Chara jumps down to the ground and licks her lips. Another knife appears in her hand, and she laughs. "Hey Sansy. Did you miss me?"

"Fuck no I didn't miss you." Sans says as he fires off a Gaster Blaster in Chara's direction. She dodges and begins to run at Sans. Kyouka tries to stop her, but Chara just pushes her aside. Dabi looks on in confusion. Not knowing who he should help.

From within the spectator room. Aizawa sees all of this, and he quickly rushes out of the room and into the combat area. "How did a villain get into a Yuuei owned building again? What the hell is happening this year!?"

Meanwhile Izuku runs through the center area, searching for Sans. "I need to find him fast, or I might not get the chance to prove myself!" He keeps running, hoping to find his old friend.

What started out as a class exercise has now become something much more dangerous. Sans is injured, Chara is attacking, Aizawa Sensei is doing his best to save everyone, and Izuku is wanting to have his rematch with Sans, no matter what it takes... Anything could happen, and everyone knows it. The only question is, who will come out on top?


Season 2 of The Punny Hero is getting so close to finishing. There are only about 5 or 6 chapters left for me to finish, and I'm excited for it. The stakes have gotten higher, and lives are at stake now. Does this change anyone's opinion on who's going to win, or if anyone will win at all? I'm getting excited just thinking about it. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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