--Season 2-- Chapter 13: The Reigning King

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"The three way battle just began, and already multiple teams are moving out." Aizawa Sensei says to Izuku, who showed up late and is now spectating. "Team Comic has split into three different groups. Most likely trying to divide and conquer. Meanwhile team Tokoyami is mostly staying in their base, most likely trying to stay together and take advantage of each other's individual strengths. The only member of their team that isn't in their base is Sero, who has great mobility in this terrain, he's most likely a scout of some sort."

"And what about team Todoroki?" Izuku asks out of curiosity. "It looks like they're all inside the base, what do you think they're doing?"

"They're probably wanting to take one if the teams out as quickly as possible. A high risk high reward strategy. Let's see if it works in their favor?" Aizawa intently looks at a screen showing video feedback of the entire area. If things get dicey, he can step in at any time.

Down in the combat area, Eijiro notices Hanta swinging around. He sees where Hanta is heading and determines where team Tokoyami's base is. "Should we engage?" Eijiro quietly asks Katsuki.

"Yeah, let's go give them a good fight!" Katsuki begins to run in the direction of the base, and Eijiro follows after him.

Meanwhile, King and Dabi start to hear voices. It's team Todoroki. All of them. King and Dabi quickly decide to intercept them. Worst case scenario, they'll take a few of them down. "Alright, let's go." Dabi quickly runs around the corner, and right into a trap...

"Idiot." Shouto says as a huge wave of ice slams into Dabi. Dabi grits his teeth and releases a blast of his fire, pushing Shouto's attack back. "You should have gone after the other team."

Dabi jumps out of the way, but gets hit in the head by a pole thrown by Momo. He coughs and sends some fire in Momo's direction, but his attack is just blocked by some electricity, thanks to Denki.

King runs up and punches Denki in the gut. Denki coughs up blood before getting kicked in the face by King. The yellow haired teen hits his head on a wall and gets knocked out. One member of team Todoroki is out.

"Two of them? No matter." Shouto creates a wall of ice, meant to protect his team. However, King uses his quirk and his muscle fibers escape his skin. He punches right through the wall of ice with one arm, before giving Momo a strong uppercut, knocking her out. That makes two members of team Todoroki that are out.

Shouto takes a step back and says "Everyone be careful of King. He's stronger than we originally thought." Shouto creates a spike of ice and sends it straight towards King.

Before the spike fan hit King, he smiles. His muscles move out of the way, and his bones move around his body, creating a shield. "You guys underestimated me. You thought that just because I was a shield I wouldn't have much strength. Well guess what? I'm the strongest shield in this damn test!" King jumps forward and punches Shouto. However, Shouto anticipated this, and he uses it as an opportunity to freeze King's arm.

"This fight is nearly over." Shouto says as he wipes some blood off of his chin. "We got this."

Meanwhile, Izuku and Aizawa Sensei are watching the entire fight. "Wow, King is a lot stronger than I thought. He has so much strength, and yet his defense is even greater."

"Yeah, King is very talented for his age. As are you, of course. Aizawa Sensei then turns his attention to a screen showing the fight between Katsuki, Eijiro, and team Tokoyami. Eijiro isn't looking very good. His arm is bleeding all over, and his leg is bending in a way that it shouldn't be able to. He screams in pain as he takes a hit from Fumikage's Dark Shadow. He slides across the ground from the impact, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Stand down Kirishima. You can't beat me." Fumikage says. "If you stop trying to, then you won't get harmed any more.

Suddenly, Fumikage gets hit directly by an attack from Katsuki. A large explosion, followed by an iconic "DIE!!!" Slams into Fumikage. Just after that happens, Katsuki is hit by Yuuga's laser. He grunts as he gets pushed into a nearby building.

"My laser shall prove quite the challenge for you!" Yuuga exclaims excitedly. "Whatever shall you do!?" His excitement is quickly put to an end as Katsuki gets right into Yuuga's face and releases a large explosion. Knocking Yuuga out.

"None of you will get to Kirishima!" Katsuki yells. "You'll have to get through me first!" Suddenly, a piece of tape-like material sticks to Katsuki's arm. It's Hanta, and he swings Katsuki until he's right next to Eijiro. Before Katsuki can even react, more tape is wrapped around him, as well as Eijiro.

"If that's the case, then we'll just trap you guys. In order for you to escape my tape, you would need to use your explosions." Hanta grins, clearly proud of his plan. "But if you do that, then you'll hurt Kirishima. You can't do anything!"

Katsuki sighs. "Alright. You win." Fumikage nods in approval. Two members from team Comic are now out, and two more are in danger.

Back with King and Dabi, King yells as he punches Mina, knocking her out as well. He then turns and headbutts Mezou, who was trying to sneak behind him. Blood comes from both Kings head, as well as Mezou, and another member of team Todoroki is out.

Just when it seems that King can't be beaten, Mashirao uses his tail to trip King. Shouto quickly acts, and uses his quirk to freeze King in place. King is out.

"Good job..." Shouto says to Mashirao. "His name suits him. He's definitely the king of close quarter fighting. We're lucky we managed to beat him."

"Yeah, we really are." Mashirao nods in agreement. "I can't believe someone like him exists. I wonder who's stronger, King or Midoriya?"

"That's a tough call. Both of them are very powerful." Shouto looks up and says "Where did my brother go?"

"Good question. He kind of just disappeared..." Mashirao looks around and says "We'll find him." Shouto nods and they continue moving.

"Aizawa Sensei... Can I go in there as my own team?" Izuku asks Aizawa from within the spectator room.

"Why do you ask?" Aizawa questions. "You would be at quite the disadvantage."

Izuku smiles and says "Exactly. If I win against Comic and Kacchan while being at a disadvantage, then I'll finally be able to prove myself."

"I don't know... That doesn't sound like a very good plan to me..." Aizawa says. "Are you sure about this?"

"Please Aizawa Sensei. This is important to me." Izuku pleads. His face shows only one thing. Determination.

"Fine." Aizawa says. "Get in there. Good luck." Izuku nods, and quickly runs out of the spectator room and makes his way to the combat area.

"This is my chance." Izuku says to himself. "It's time for me and Comic to finally settle the score!"


Two chapters in one day, woohoo! King has done great damage to team Todoroki, but Katsuki and Eijiro weren't able to do as well. Dabi has also disappeared to somewhere. Izuku has joined the battle, and things are only going to get even better. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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