--Season 2-- Chapter 15: No Help

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"Chara, how did you get in here!?" Sans yells as he fires off another Gaster Blaster towards Chara. "Why are you even here in the first place!?"

Chara laughs and says "Well isn't it obvious? I'm just following orders!" Chara giggles with delight. "As long as they let me kill, I'll work for Shigaraki and his boss!"

Sans stops in his tracks as he hears this. "Tomura... Has a boss?" The realization hits Sans hard. Just when Sans thinks he knows everything about his past, more has to pop up. Now that he thinks about it, Tomura having a boss makes sense. Tomura is only a teenager after all... "Great... I'll have to deal with that another day."

Sans puts his attention back to the fight. He summons a couple dozen bones, and sends them flying towards Chara. She dodges them with ease and keeps running towards Sans.

"You're too slow for me Sansy!" Chara laughs as she keeps getting closer to Sans. Sans desperately tries to stop her, but his attacks never make contact. Sans' eyes widen, as Chara stabs him directly in the chest. He coughs up blood, and staggers back.

"I can't beat her on my own..." Sans says quietly. Kyouka decides that she would try to help, but before she can get close to Chara, Sans yells "Kyouka! Don't you fucking dare try to fight her! She'll kill you if you do..." Kyouka hesitates, but listens to Sans.

Sans knows he can't win, not on his own anyways. It Dabi would help him, then he could do it easily, but it makes sense that Dabi doesn't know who to help in this situation. Sans closes his eyes, and returns to his mind.

"Oh, look who finally decided to o show up." Dust says angrily. He stands up and says "I've been wanting to I bash your skull in for quite some time now."

Sans gulps and says "Dust, we don't have time for that. I need your guy's help." Skelly steps up when this is said.

"Sans, I don't think you understand what your asking..." Skelly says sadly. "You... You took advantage of us, and used us for your own personal gain. Quite frankly, we don't exactly like you right now and we definitely don't trust you."

Sans looks down sadly. "I know what I did, and I'm sorry. However, I don't want to die. If I don't get help, I'll be killed..."

"That isn't our problem." Dust says aggressively. He turns around and walks away.

"I'm sorry..." Skelly says as he turns around and follows after Dust. Sans grits his teeth as he returns to the fight.

"Damn... I think I'm going to die here." Sans says nervously. "Well, the least I can do is make this a fight that she'll never forget." Sans lifts his hand and summons another Gaster Blaster. He fires at Chara, but once again, Chara dodges.

Chara continues to run around Sans. She tries to stab him, but Sans just steps aside and throws Chara. Sans gulps as a knife stabs into the ground right by Sans' foot. Looking up, Sans sees another knife appear in Chara's hand.

"So..." Sans says. "You said you were following orders? What exactly are your orders?" Sans winces as Chara's knife grazes his arm. If this fight keeps going the way it is now, Sans isn't going to make it.

Chara keeps attacking, but as she does so she says "Well, my orders are to kill you, and capture Bakugou! Shigaraki still has plans for him!" She laughs even more as she keeps attacking.

"What do you mean by, he still has plans for him? You act like he's already done something to hi—." Sans stops as he realizes what she means. "No... He didn't..."

"Yes he did!" Chara screams with glee. "Bakugou isn't himself anymore!" She goes to kick Sans, but he just catches her leg and glare at her.

"Fuck. You." Sans says coldly. He summons a Gaster Blaster, and blasts away.  Everything is eliminated. All except for part of Chara's heart. "Oh shit, I didn't mean to kill her! Oh no..." Sans sighs and starts walking away sadly. Then he hears Chara again.

"Hi." Chara says as she stabs Sans in the shoulder. Sans screams and throws Chara off of him. He takes a step back.

"Chara, please stop this." Sans says sadly. "I don't want to kill you. You and I used to be friends, remember? You were there for me, when almost no one else was... I don't want to kill you, but if you keep this up, then I may have to. I thought I accidentally did earlier..."

"Did you really think that would stop me?" Chara laughs maniacally. Sans then notices Chara regenerating. Her body is rebuilding itself around her heart. "I'm sorry, but that attack was way too weak to stop me. Also, I won't stop this. You are going to die!"

Sans sighs in frustration. "Then, you leave me no choice. I'm not going to kill you, but you may not be able to move for awhile after this." He looks at Chara with determination.

"You couldn't kill me, even if you tried!" Chara laughs. "No one can kill me unless my heart is destroyed. Good luck with that though—!"

"Thanks for telling me your weakness." Izuku says as he appears from behind Chara. Chara's eyes widen, and Izuku pushes his hand straight through Chara's chest, grabbing her heart. Chara coughs out blood, and Izuku says "Idiot." Izuku crushes Chara's heart, killing her.

"Chara!!!" Sans screams as Izuku kills her in cold blood. "Why?" Tears begin to build up, and Sans cries out "Why would you do that!?" His old friend, is now dead.

"Don't act so upset. I saved you." Izuku sighs. "Now I can finally prove that I'm the best..." He looks at Sans and says "Get ready to fight, we are ending things, right now!"

Sans is shocked by what he hears. Is this really the same Izuku that he once knew? "That's what this is about?" Sans says as his body begins to glow blue. The ground around him begins to crack, and small bits of rock begin to float in the air. "That's why you killed Chara, and why you killed Frisk during the camp attack!?"

"No, I killed the other girl because of the people you killed. It's only fair that you lose someone after what you've done." Izuku says with a bored voice. "I saw it fitting."

"How fucking dare you!?" Sans screams. "You think I'm proud of what I did!? How dare you think it's your job to make me feel the pain of those I've hurt!? I already do feel their pain, and more!" His eye turns bright blue, and he suddenly calms down. "You know what? Fine."

Izuku smiles. "So you'll be actually fight me?" He asks excitedly. This is what he's been waiting for. A final rematch, so he can finally prove himself to All Might, as well as everyone else.

"Yeah, and don't worry about me getting help. Kyouka won't do anything. She knows better."

"What about Dabi, or the other Sanses?" Izuku questions. He want this to be a one versus one. No interruptions.

"Don't worry, Dabi doesn't care enough to do that." Sans says. "And I assure you, the other Sanses don't want to help me at all. I don't have any help in this fight."

Izuku grins, and says "Let's do this then!" He does a quick stretch and goes to punch Sans, but Sans just dodges it with ease.

"It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it?" Sans say to Izuku. Izuku's expression becomes confused. Why would Sans ask that?

"What?" Izuku asks as he takes a step back. He just shakes his head and runs back up to Sans. This time he tries a kick the the head, bit Sans just ducks underneath it.

"Birds are singing, and flowers are blooming..." Sans says as he jumps up, landing on Izuku's head. He jumps off of Izuku quickly, and glares at him.

"What the hell are you going on about!?" Izuku says as he begins to attack with many random
kicks and punches. Sans dodges all of them.

"On days like these..." Sans says quietly as he dodges yet another attack.

"Stop it!" Izuku screams. He finally lands a punch to Sans' jaw. Sans is sent flying into a wall, but he doesn't seem to mind. He just stands back up.

"Kids like you..." Sans says as he cracks his neck. He grins slightly, he is going to really enjoy this.

"I said stop!" Izuku screams as he jumps at Sans. He goes to punch Sans in the stomach. Sans let's him. He takes the punch and coughs up blood. But... He's smiling. A Gaster Blaster suddenly appears on both sides of Izuku.

"Should be burning in Hell!!!"


The final fight is starting! Things are getting even more intense, and the Sans vs Izuku rematch is finally here. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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