Chapter 8: The Unseen Simulation Joint

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"Alright everyone, please enter the bus quickly so we can save as much time as possible for our training." Sans grins as he steps onto a bus, quickly being followed by most of the other students.

Once on the bus, the class begins to chat about the type of training they'll be doing at the USJ, or the Unseen Simulation Joint. The entire class is laughing, and the topic of quirks comes up.

"Man, you four are so lucky!" Eijiro laughs as he points towards Izuku, Katsuki, Shouto, and Sans. "You guys have quirks that are both powerful, and flashy!"

"Tch, well of course they are, other than Deku we're the best in class." Katsuki scoffs and rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed that Eijiro put Izuku in the same category as him.

"Izuku may be new to this environment, but that doesn't mean he's weak." Sans yawns, gaining a glare from Katsuki. "Also, your quirk is a lot better than you give it credit for."

"Haha. Thanks Comic!" Eijiro laughs even more, appreciating the compliment. "It's so manly of you to stand up for us!"

"Speaking of which." Izuku smiles. "How does your quirk work?" He says while pointing towards Sans.

"That's... A secret! Yep!" Sans nervously chuckles as he avoids eye contact with Izuku.

"Oh... Okay..." Izuku looks at his notebook. "Maybe next time buddy..."

"We're here." Aizawa Sensei stands up as the bus comes to a stop. He walks out the door and is followed by Sans and the rest of class 1.A..

The students are amazed at the sight that is presented to them. The enormous building is so large that it makes everyone feel small in it's presence. The class walks through the doors and is met with a multi-environmental landscape.

"This place is so manly!" Kirashima exclaims. Earning a couple of glances from the more quiet people in class.

"Hello everyone, my name is 13. I'm a Pro Hero that specializes in..." As a Hero wearing an astronaut outfit begins to explain the training the class will do and why it's important, a purple, misty vortex appears in the center area of the building.

"Hello Yuuei High!" A scratchy voice says as a light blue haired teen male walks out of the vortex, followed by an odd looking creature with its brain exposed, as well as a purple mist like humanoid, and behind and is more people.

"Sorry to crash the party..." The blue haired teen scratches his neck aggressively. "But the League of Villains has some things it needs to do."

Sans' eyes widen as he looks at the blue haired teen. "No... No no no no!" He backs away, and takes a deep, shaky breath. "W-why is he here!?"

"Who, there's even some take villains!" Eijiro exclaims. "This place is the best!"

"Th-those aren't fake v-villains..." Sans shakes his head as he continues to back up.

Eijiro looks back towards Sans. "What was that Comic?"

"He said those aren't fake villains." Aizawa Sensei puts on his goggles and jumps down into the area where all of the villains were located. "And he's correct."

The class begins to panic and ask what to do. 13 acts quickly and gives the students instructions. "All of you, either run, or stay behind me!"

Most of the class immediately attempts to follow these instructions, but stop when they see another portal. Out from the portal comes the purple mist-like being from before.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have a very important question to ask all of you. We were under the impression that All Might was going to be here, I suppose out intel was inaccurate." The mist says in a polite voice. "Oh well... At least the failed test subject is still here."

As the mist says this, Sans gets a splitting headache. He holds his head and stumbles back, tripping and falling to the ground.

"Ah, there you are Sans." The mist moves closer to Sans."It's been awhile hasn't it?"

"Get... Away from me... Kurogiri please!" Sans scoots back while still holding his head. Tears are streaming down his face as he continuously shakes his head.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Kurogiri responds. "I hope this doesn't harm our friendship in any way."

Kurogiri is about to reach Sans, when suddenly he gets hit by two attacks. An explosion from Katsuki, and a fist from Eijiro.

"No... That won't do anything to him..." Sans crys and crys. "Why? How did they find me?"

"How bothersome..." Kurogiri turns to the rest of class 1.A. "Alrighty then. I'll just have to send you all away."

Portals appear all around the class and suck in almost everyone. The only students left are Mezo, Ochaco, Tenya, Hanta, Rikido, and Sans.

"Why can't you just stay away?" Sans slowly gets up and wipes the tears off of his eyes.

Kurogiri turns around and is about to respond, but is slammed into a wall by Sans' telekinesis. Sans lifts his hand and begins to slam Kurogiri all over the place nonstop.

Tenya appears to be getting prepared to go help Aizawa Sensei, but is stopped by 13. "Young man, your quirk makes you extremely fast correct?"

Tenya looks at 13 with a confused look on his face. "Yes... My engines make running the fastest way for me to travel. Why?"

"Quickly, I need you to leave and go get help from Yuuei. Get anyone you can to come, because we need all the help we can get." 13 motions for the other students to get behind them, which they obviously do.

"How?" Sans mutters under his breath. "You were the only person that would treat me kindly, but I see now that you never truly cared..."

Kurogiri gets up as Sans stops using telekinesis on him. He looks up and responds with. "Sans, don't be like that. You know that I care for you. You are very special to me--"

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF SAYING THAT TO ME!?!?!?" Sans screams as he changes up an enormous Gaster Blaster. The mouth of the blaster opens up, and the burning hot beam fires, going straight towards Kurogiri.

Kurogiri doesn't even have time to react as the beam speeds towards him, but right before it lands it's mark and kills the misty figure, it's deflected upwards, were it hits and melts away at the ceiling. Once the smoke is cleared. A brown haired teen girl with red eyes and a bright red knife is seen standing in front of Kurogiri.

 A brown haired teen girl with red eyes and a bright red knife is seen standing in front of Kurogiri

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"Oh Sans~" The girl grins. "It's me!"


BOOM CLIFFHANGER!!! Yeah, I don't know. I'm tired and a cliffhanger felt like a good place to stop for now so this is what you guys are getting. Oh, and the reason I didn't publish the chapter yesterday was because I fell asleep while working on it. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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