--Season 2-- Chapter 12: Friends And Battle

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"Hey." Eijiro says to Sans quietly. "Sans, you have to get up. We need to go to school." Eijiro pokes Sans in the cheek and says "Sans? Hello?" Eijiro grins and runs out of the room. He quickly comes back in holding Sans' trombone. He takes a deep breath, and plays the trombone as loudly and terribly as he can.

"What the hell!?" Sans wakes up holding his ears. "What is that awful sound!?" He looks at Eijiro and realizes what the sound was. "Oh, it's you."

Eijiro grins and says "Yeah, it's me. Come on, we need to go to school." Sans puts on his school uniform, and together with Eijiro he leaves for school. On their way there, Sans and Eijiro bump into Kyouka.

Kyouka greets Sans and Eijiro with a "Hey." She joins to group and they continue walking to school. The three teens make their way to their classroom, where they sit at their desks and begin to conversate.

"So Sans, Eijiro. How'd your sleepover go?" Kyouka asks. "You didn't do anything funny, did you?" She says this as she points at Eijiro.

"Eh?" Eijiro frowns in confusion. "What do you mean?" He looks at Sans and asks "Do you know what she means?"

"Y-yeah." Sans says while blushing. "Look Kyouka I think you have the wrong idea. We just had some food and watched a movie. Honest."

"So you guys went on a date!?" Kyouka says loudly enough for everyone else in class to hear. Sans begins to blush more. He wishes he could just disappear right now. Anything is better than this embarrassment.

Sans takes a deep breath and tries to control the situation. "No, no, no. That's not what it was. It was just bros being bros."

Eijiro, still not understanding what's going on, accidentally makes the situation even worse. "Yeah, all we did was eat, watch a movie, and chill in the hot tub."

"We were five feet apart!" Sans says desperately. "It. Wasn't. Like. That." He slams his head onto his desk and groans.

Kyouka chuckles and taps Sans' shoulder. Sans looks up at her and she  says "Don't worry, I'm just giving you a hard time."

Sans sighs in relief. "Thank God." The door opens and Katsuki walks in. He sits at his desk and gives Sans a smirk. Sans returns Katsuki's smirk with one of his own. "Hey Katsuki, what's up?"

"Nothing much. I passed by Deku in the hall. Not sure what he was doing though." Katsuki says in response. "How about you?"

Sans sighs. "Kyouka is being mean..."
Katsuki chuckles at this. The two teens would have continued talking, but Aizawa Sensei walks in.

"All right class, today we're going to do a team combat exercise. Who all is here today?" Aizawa Sensei looks around the class and notices that Izuku isn't there. "No Midoriya, that leaves eighteen of you... Alright, that'll work. All of you get into teams of six. There should be three teams in total."

Sans frowns when he hears this. He needs to be on a team with five other people? Are there even that many people that would agree to being on a team with him? He begins to look around, when he hears Eijiro say "Hey Sans? Want to team up?" Sans looks at Eijiro and smiles.

"May I join you two?" Kyouka says with a grin. "I have to make sure you guys don't do anything you shouldn't." Sans and Eijiro nod.

"How about me?" King says as he walks up to the group. "I... Don't really know anyone else, so you're the only person I feel comfortable teaming up with. You were my old boss after all."

"I'm joining too." Katsuki says. "I don't even care if you guys are happy with that or not." He walks up to Sans and gives him a thumbs up.

Sans smiles even more. "Thanks guys. I appreciate it. A lot. One problem though. We still need our sixth member." The group looks around for a little while, before they hear a voice saying "I'll join you guys." They look over and see Dabi. "It that's okay of course." Sans smiles warmly and gives Dabi a nod. They finally have a team.

"Now that everyone has a team, you need to choose a team captain, as well as a role for each member of your team." Aizawa Sensei pulls out a clipboard and says "Whenever you have it figured out, come tell me."

After talking about it for a bit, Sans' group decides to elect Sans to be their team leader. Sans had his doubts, but his friends convinced him to accept the position. He walks up to Aizawa Sensei and tells him "I'm the captain of my team. The team consists of Katsuki, Kyouka, Eijiro, King, Dabi, and myself. This is our final decision."

"Alright, good luck Sans. I hope you do well. Remember, this is for a grade, so give it your all." Sans nods and walks back to his team.

Before too long, the other teams are decided, as well as their jobs within the team. The teams consist of team Comic, team Todoroki, and team Tokoyami.

--Team Comic--
Comic Sans: Captain (Dagger)
Bakugou Katsuki: Sword
Todoroki Touya: Sword
Kirishima Eijiro: Shield
Imasuji King: Shield
Jirou Kyouka: Dagger

--Team Todoroki--
Todoroki Shouto: Captain (Shield)
Ashido Mina: Dagger
Yaoyarozu Momo: Dagger
Kaminari Denki: Shield
Ojiro Mashirao: Shield
Shouji Mezou: Dagger

--Team Tokoyami--
Tokoyami Fumikage: Captain (Shield)
Uraraka Ochako: Dagger
Kouda Kouji: Dagger
Sero Hanta: Shield
Aoyama Yuuga: Sword
Satou Rikidou: Sword

"There are three categories." Aizawa Sensei explains. "The sword, the shield, and the dagger. The sword is the main attacker, the shield is the main defender, and the dagger is backup and support." Aizawa Sensei looks at the three teams and says "The captain is the most important member of a team. If the captain falls, then the entire team loses. Be careful."

All three teams are brought into a newly constructed training facility. The area has three main bases, which the teams start in. Then in the middle, there's a maze like replica of a destroyed city. The three teams get into position, and have ten minutes to plan.

"Alright, here's the plan." Sans says to his teammates. "We'll have three groups. Two groups will consist of a sword and a shield, while the third group will consist of the two daggers, me an Kyouka." Sans looks at Kyouka and smiles, then he looks at his other teammates and says "I'll let you guys decide who you want to be partnered with."

Eijiro grins. "I'll be on a team with Bakugou. Me and him should be able to work really well together!" Katsuki nods and walks up to Eijiro.

"I guess that means I'll be working with Dabi." King chuckles. "Well, I've worked with him before, so it's probably for the best."

Sans nods and says "Alright. This is for a grade, so let's all do our best!" The group moves into position. Sans and Kyouka stay in their base, while King and Dabi head for Team Todoroki's base. On the other hand, Eijiro and Katsuki begin making their way to Team Tokoyami's base. The three way battle, has officially begun!


Alright, the final arc of Season 2 has finally started! Which team do you guys think will come out on top? Which team do you think will be in second, and which in last? While making the teams I did notice that I made Sans' team kinda OP, so I did my best to remedy that and make it as fair as possible. In the end I think this could technically go to any team. Sans' team is the most powerful, Shouto's team has the most defensive capability, and Fumikage's team is the most balanced in my opinion. This arc is going to be really fun, and I can't wait to continue writing it. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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