--Season 2 -- Chapter 1: Aftermath

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"It's been two months since the USJ incident. I've done my best to avoid my past, but now it's catching up to me..." Sans says to himself as he walks down a dark alley. He looks behind him and sees Kyouka following closely behind him.

Kyouka smiles awkwardly before walking up next to Sans. "Hey... What are the plans for today?" Her smile disappears as Sans shakes his head.

"I'm not sure..." Sans sighs as he comes to a stop. He looks forward and sees a small opening in the alley wall. Him and Kyouka walk into the opening and end up in a small space with a few bags of food, and a sleeping bag.

Kyouka goes through a bag and grabs a half eaten burger from Mc. Wonald's, which is a popular fast food restaurant that's in the local area. She takes a bite from the burger before offering it to Sans. Sans gladly accepts and takes a bite of the burger himself, before wrapping it up and putting it back in the bag.

"We're almost out of food... I'll leave tonight, and find some food to steal." Sans yawns as he sits down on the cold, hard ground. He's about to close his eyes and get some rest, when Kyouka responds to his statement.

"No, you've done the stealing for the past month, I'll do it this time. You need to get some rest." Kyouka says as she grabs the sleeping bag. "Here, you should use the sleeping bag."

Sans hesitates, but nods his head. "Thanks Kyouka, I owe ya one, but before you go I need to know something. Will you really be okay out there?"

Kyouka blushes lightly at the question, and answers with "Sans, y-you know I can take care of myself." She looks away awkwardly, clearly flustered from the question. "I-I'm gonna head out early, see ya later."

"See ya." Sans' eyes slowly close as he drifts off to sleep. He opens his eyes to realize that he's in the space that Dust and Skelly live in.

Sans looks around and sees Dust and sees Dust and Skelly facing towards
R each other. They're both covered in cuts and burns, and they both have Gaster Blasters at the ready.

"Dust? Skelly? What are you guys doing!? Stop it!" Sans starts running towards the two of them, but the faster he runs, the further he seems to get from his two alternate selves.

"D-d-d-D-d-diE!" Dust and Skelly fire off their Gaster Blasters, and the impact creates a large explosion that pushes Sans back. Sans then begins to notice the space around him doing something that looks an awful lot like glitching. He blinks and suddenly he's somewhere else.

"What the? Where am I?" Sans then feels a sharp pain inside his chest, and looks down. His eyes widen as he sees a cable like object that has impaled him. He coughs up blood and falls to the ground. "W-w-What i-i-I-is going on-n-n-n-N-N-n!?"

"Welco-o-Ome to m-M-my world..." A deep voice is all that Sans can hear. He looks towards the direction of the voice, and sees a bit that appears to be in his late teens. He has black hair that turns red at the ends, and his eyes are a combination of three colors, those colors being red, yellow, and blue. He looks upset with Sans for some reason, though Sans isn't really concerned with that at the moment, since his chest now has hole that goes all the way through it. The boy also wears a light blue jacket and a scarf that's identical to the one that Sans wears.

 The boy also wears a light blue jacket and a scarf that's identical to the one that Sans wears

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"Who are you?" Sans coughs up more blood as another cable stabs his stomach. He tries to pull out the cables, but then they expand and grow larger, resulting in Sans streaming out in pain.

"I should be asking you that, who a-A-are you, and whY-y-y-Y-y are you here!?" The boy screams. Another cable stabs into Sans' leg, causing Sans to scream out in pain once more. "You know what? I'll just p-P-p-put you out of your misery." Multiple cables come from the boy's eyes, and zoom straight towards Sans.

"Aaarghh!!!" Sans screams as he bolts up. He begins looking around frantically, before sighing. "Oh, It was just a dream... Just another nightmare..."

Meanwhile, Kyouka is walking towards a local gas station. She puts on a hood, and walks into the store.

"Hey sir, could you tell me where I can find any healthy snacks?" Kyouka asks a cashier politely.

"Of course, they're over there." The cashier points to the corner of the small store. "Tell me if you need any help."

"Will do sir." Kyouka says as she walks over to the area that the cashier had pointed to. While deciding what she should get, she overhears a couple's conversation.

"Did you hear? Yuuei High is going to be hosting the Sports Festival soon, and apparently if a student does well enough then they'll be given a temporary heroes license.  The license  gives them permission to hunt down that Comic Sans kid." A man says to someone who appears to be his girlfriend.

"Thank God for that! The kid was taught there, so if anyone can stop him it would be a top student." The girl sighs in relief. "I heard that one student has begin to accel ever since the USJ incident. Midoriya Izuku I think his name was, and apparently he's gotten ridiculously strong!"

The couple gets their items and leave. Kyouka's eyes widen as she realizes exactly what the information she just heard really meant. Class 1.A., her old friends, all of them have their sights set on Sans, and they're all going for blood.

Kyouka grabs some snacks and stuffs them in her bag, then she bolts out of the store and sprints far away before the police were called.

Sans had accidentally killed people, and he trusts no one. He trust no one, but Kyouka. Kyouka is the only person that seems to understand him, and care for him. Sans has been painted as a heartless villain, and is now on the run from the law. Lately he's been having nightmares. These nightmares have been torturous, and mentally straining, but he's been dealing with it.

"Hey, Aizawa Sensei. Yeah, I'm coming tonight for some extra training... Okay... See you then..." A green haired teen says before he slips his phone into his pocket. The teen has green eyes and freckles, and his body is well toned, especially for someone his age. This teen is Izuku, and his old happy, eccentric and nervous personality has no signs of being there anymore.

Luckily, Izuku didn't notice Kyouka run from the store, and he was going to Aizawa Sensei's home to train with him. "Sans... I'll find you, and make you pay for what you've done to me..."

Midoriya Izuku's heart is filled with nothing but hatred for Comic Sans, and all he wants to do is get revenge. He's been working ridiculously hard for the past two months, and has reached a power he originally thought he could only dream of.

"I'll kill you!"

It's finally here! Chapter 1 of Season 2 for The Punny Hero! Honestly I don't have much to say, except that I have some VERY interesting ideas for the future. Criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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