chapter 39: escaped

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[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ).]

1 hour ago


"Lauren! You're here!" Travis exclaimed as the bodyguards hold both of my arms, walking towards Travis.

"Travis! We were worried sick about you." I said then the bodyguards pushed me towards Travis.

"I heard that you two were siblings, might as well we would put you two together." The first bodyguard said as the second bodyguard holds the door then immediately closed it and locked it from outside.

"Travis, I miss you!" I said as I started tearing up and we hugged.

"I miss you too! B-But what are you doing here? Oh, and are you here alone?" He asked as he wiped my tears.

"U-Uhh, actually they kidnapped us, Romeo, Juliet and I." I sighed then we released from hugging.

"Romeo and Juliet are here?!" He asked as he smiled.

"Y-Yes, but I don't know if we should see them right now." I replied.

"Why not?" He asked in confusion.

"I-I don't know, but I do have a feeling that something happened to them two days ago." I replied as I looked up at him.

"What do you mean? What happened two days ago?" He worriedly asked then I sighed.

"After Juliet's birthday celebration with Romeo and I, they decided to went back home. Well apparently, I said the same thing but I lied. I followed them to Juliet's house, I know it's a wrong thing to do but it seems like there is something off with Juliet, and Romeo was there to comfort her. I should've been in there, but I had no choice but to eavesdropped them instead." I said to Travis.

"Romeo a-asked if its true that Juliet l-liked him ever since, she replied yes but it was before. She realized her feelings for you, and that's when her feelings for Romeo faded away. She even stated that she started liking him back when they first met in the old library in this city and the next time she finally met him again is seven months ago, but something confusing happened. Romeo just sat there beside her, while thinking something in his mind." I continued with a sigh as Travis looked down.

"He asked her if she still likes her, w-well luckily she said that she is now in love with you. But it seems like he felt heartbroken that he told her that he would leave her alone, like I've or we've known Romeo for years now and we know how he gets heartbroken easily. Then, things happened too fast. The next thing I know is that it started raining and foggy, because I couldn't see anything and at the same time worried sick about them both, I followed them with Juliet's voice. She kept calling Romeo, but it seems like he was too far away. A vehicle suddenly appeared out of nowhere, right behind Juliet and then Romeo saved her. When I arrived, Romeo began fighting the two bad guys, and a man who came out of nowhere arrived, by saving us. The man who saw is you but actually named Matthew Greene, and it seems like there was an illusion because he used this thing called remote control. And after two days of travelling, we arrived here."

"I-It's my fault, I shouldn't have agreed to go to this so-called military school." He said as he started tearing up.

"N-No, it's not. We both know that it is your dream school, but it seems like you have been-" I said as I comforted him then he cutted me off.

"I have been lied to, yes I know that. Y-You see, I'm not supposed to tell you this but I just have to. Juliet, Romeo and I are apart of the Magicias, Juliet's family are the founder of this but it should've been kept only between us users to keep the guardian's identity a secret. Each of us had our own mission, and mine was about the present. It seems like Maria Greene is under control of my mission, and she told me some things I have absolutely no idea about until she told me. She said if I would agree to her deal, she could bring me to my dream school. Little did I know, she kidnapped me in here for the past months I have gone away. I tried so hard to communicate even one of you, but it felt too dangerous and I didn't have a choice. I even noticed a couple months ago that I have become weaker and weaker, I don't know why that's why I look a little rough." He explained.

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