chapter 5: headache

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[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


It's been 15 minutes and there is no sign of Juliet. I don't know why, but something is telling me that I must stay until she arrives. A couple minutes later, I heard the door opened and there she is, looking for me. I waved my hand so that she could see me then she spotted me and she slowly walked towards me.

"Hi Romeo, I'm so sorry for being la-" Juliet apologized as I cutted her off.

"No worries, it's completely fine. Come on, sit besides me." I said as she smiled then she sat down beside me.

Afterwards, we stared at each others' eyes. This might sound weird but as I was staring at her eyes, I felt something different. Until a couple seconds later, I felt that she accidentally touched my wrist, then I felt an unexpected headache which made us stopped from staring at each other.

"Romeo, are you okay? What happened?" Juliet worriedly asked as she touched my head and she released her hand from my wrist.

"I-It's alright, just a sudden headache." I stuttered as I replied to her then I chuckled.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go to the clinic?" She asked as she frowned.

"No no, it's fine. Come on, let's start reading." I sighed as I opened the book.

After a couple minutes, silence happened until Juliet suddenly spoke.

"Romeo? Can I ask you something?" Juliet asked as she looked at me.

"Sure, I guess." I said as I looked at the book.

"It's about Travis." She said then I looked at her and her finger touched my wrist, again.

Suddenly, the headache happened again. Because of the pain, I immediately stand up and Juliet stand up as well then comforted me and released her finger from my wrist.

"Romeo? Is it back again?" She worriedly asked.

"Y-Yes, it hu-hurts so bad." I stuttered as she panicked.

"Come on, let's bring you to the clinic." She said as she helped me walk to the clinic, since my eyes are closed because of the pain.

As we finally arrived in the clinic, Juliet lets me sit down at a wooden chair.

"Good day, Ma'am. My f-friend is having a headache, can you help him?" Juliet asked as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Good day to you, Miss, and yes I can. But do you mind waiting outside?" The school nurse asked then she nodded.

"Sure, no problem." Juliet replied then she left the clinic.

"Alright young man, may I ask on what happened before you had a headache?" The school nurse asked as she looked at me.

"Well, Juliet, the girl who is waiting outside, and I were planning to read some sort of book. But, when we sat down together and we were staring at each others' eyes and when she accidentally touched my wrist, the headache happened." I explained as I slowly looked at her.

"A couple of seconds later, it was finally gone. But when she asked me a question and I looked back at her then she touched my wrist, it happened once again." I continued to explain as she wrote the things I said in a paper.

"May I ask if you like her or somehow, in love with her?" She calmly asked.

"No! I mean no, like literally, but apparently my friend does." I replied as I chuckled.

"Alright then, what foods do you usually eat?" She asked.

"The usual, like fruits and vegetables, nothing bad." I replied as she frowned.

"Well that's strange, I guess you didn't have much sleep, that's why you have a headache." She replied as I made a confused face.

"That's impossible, I always sleep early and at the same time, wake up early every single day." I said.

"Uhh, what about this? Try to stare at my eyes then let me touch your wrist and see if the headache will come back again." She said then I sighed.

"Alright then." I agreed then I began staring at her eyes.

Couple seconds past and nothing happened. It was a very weird feeling because I haven't experienced this kind of headache before.

"So, do you feel anything?" She asked.

"Nothing, I feel normal." I replied.

"Alright, let me touch your wrist for awhile." She said then she did so.

"Feel anything?" She asked as she looked up.

"No." I replied.

"I guess the only thing I will tell you to do is, lessen the interaction of the public for now. You can still go to school, just in case you ask, but I think it's better if you keep your distance for awhile until you feel better." She said as I nodded.

"I-I guess that might help, thank you Ma'am." I said as I smiled.

"No problem, young man. You may now leave the clinic." She said then I smiled and left the clinic.

"So, how did it go?" Juliet worriedly asked.

"The nurse told me that I must lessen the interaction of the public for now until I feel better." I replied as I sighed and looked down.

"Oh, well that's some pretty bad news." She sighed.

"But you can borrow my book, I will just give you the rest of the books tomorrow." I said as we slowly walked.

"That sounds like a good idea, thank you Romeo and I'm sorry for your headache, I hope you feel better soon." She said.

"No worries, Juliet. It's not your fault anyway." I replied as I smiled and handed the book to her.

"You must go home, it's getting pretty late already." I chuckled.

"Oh right, see you tomorrow Romeo!" Juliet said as she waved at me and I looked at her.

"You too, Juliet!" I replied as I waved back at her then we went to separate ways.

As I walked home, I kept thinking of why a sudden headache to me. It is even weird because it is not just any kind of normal headache, it really felt weird. After 10 minutes, I finally arrived home and I greeted my father who is in the kitchen.

"Hi Father! I'm home from school." I greeted him as I put my backpack down the floor then walked to the kitchen.

"Hello son, great timing. I have something to tell you, I could've waited for your mother but she won't be back until later evening. She also told me that I will tell you this, since she will be tired from work." My father said.

"Sure, what is it all about?" I asked in excitement then he sighed.

"Please don't be mad at us after this, you know how much my mother and I love you so much from the bottom of our hearts." My father said as I frowned.

"I-It depends." I said in confusion.

"Son.." My father sighed as I raised my eyebrows.

"You're adopted." He said as I was confused at first.

"What do you mean, I'm adopted?" I asked with a little chuckle.

"Your mother and I are not your real parents, Romeo." He sighed then a whole silence happened in the room.

I didn't know what to say, I feel speechless, angry, miserable and too many emotions. My father or should I say my father kept looking at me waiting for my response.

"I think I have something to do in my room." I made an excuse just to escape from the silence.

"Son, I'm-" My father said as I cutted him off.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I just need some alone time." I stuttered with a fake chuckle then immediately went to my room.

~ mj <3

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