chapter 11: presentation and his confession

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[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


Timeskip after school, Travis and I decided to go to his house with the permission of my mother, since she basically likes him. But for me? I'm not sure. He's so sweet and genuine, but I still can't get Romeo out of my head. I somehow feel bad after the headaches he felt. Sometimes I even asked myself if I am the reason behind all this.

The same thing happened today. We asked Aunt Tia's help through the golden mirror in making our last and final Magicia. After an hour and a half of making it, we finally finished it. All of us are excited of the creation we've done. Afterwards, I directly went home along with Travis since it's already dark. We spend 10 minutes walking to my house, Travis and I talked alot of stuff, it's like he is my ideal friend.

Wait, friend? I don't know, sometimes I do think that there is something between us. But like I said, Romeo is still on my mind and will probably do for the rest of my life. I arrived at home and thanked Travis for walking me home. Then, did the rest of my night routine throughout.

Next day, Travis and I went to the magical place where Aunt Tia used to stay. We tested our Magicias and it worked perfectly. Because of it, we happily exclaimed. Afterwards, we prepared on how we are going to present infront of our class.

Timeskip, tomorrow morning at school. Science is our first class for the day. I must say that I am very nervous as a shy girl like me, presenting our project with one of the most popular guys at school.

"Juliet? Are you okay?" Travis asked as he walked towards me and I sighed.

"Just a little nervous." I nervously said then Travis sat down beside me to calm me down.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay. As long as our teacher and classmates are interested, I'm sure it will be fine." He said as he rubbed his hand on my back to calm me down then I looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you, Travis. I don't know what would I do without you." I said then he smiled.

"Good morning, class." The teacher said as she walked inside the room and the bell rang.

"Good morning, Ma'am." All of us greeted.

"Please settle down so that we could end all of the presentations early." She said as some of the students went back to their seats.

"Alright, so who wants to go first?" She asked.

After 8 pairs presenting their work, the teacher called me and Travis.

"Ms. Fitzroy and Mr. Johnson, it's your turn." The teacher said then Travis and I stood up.

Travis offered to bring the chests and walked first to the front then I followed. He placed the chests onto the table that is infront of us.  I felt nervous as everyone started staring at us and whispering on what is inside the chests. Romeo, in the other hand, smiled at us then I smiled back, which made me calm down a little.

"Good morning everyone! Today, Travis and I will be presenting our chosen Science project for today's Science month celebration." I said.

"Inside of these chests are Magicias, also known as magic but we spiced it up a little bit." Travis chuckled.

"As much as we like to open these, we must say that it is prohibited. Legend says that Magicias will be completely restored in the near future, especially to the ones who would find it." I said.

Just a clarification, it is all made up to prevent the Magicias' exposure to others.

"We have here the Super senses Magicia, Telekinesis Magicia and lastly the Destruction Magicia." Travis continued as he pointed to each chest.

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