"It's midnight."

"But I'm bored." Meredith replied, getting out of the bed.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know...entertain me."

"I can do my dance."

"I'm going to have to say no." Meredith giggled, "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Derek laughed, letting her pull him out of bed.

"I don't know....something fun."

"There's nothing fun to do at midnight."

"Umm there was plenty of fun last night at midnight...and the night before."

Oh...that kind of fun?"

"Not tonight...."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Umm....hide and seek?"

"We're adults."

"I know but....a shower?"

"I thought you said not that kind of fun."

"We can shower and not have sex."

"We'll see about that." Derek laughed

"I wash your hair...you wash my hair..."


"Do you have a better idea?" Meredith replied.

"We could go outside and...be cheesy and look at the stars."

'We've tried that....and you know how it ends."

"How the shower is going to end?" Derek smirked.


"What about watching a movie?"

"No...." Meredith shook her head.

"Just the shower?"

"What about the shower?"

"That's all you want to do?"

"Well no....I want to...but I need ideas."

"Go for a walk?"

"A walk?" Meredith bit her lip. "Okay."

"Okay." Derek smiled. "A walk."

"Tag you're it." Meredith hit him, before dashing out of the trailer.

Derek just shook his head and laughed as he followed Meredith out the trailer. There were still something's that needed to be worked out and things that needed to be talked about, but in no way was he complaining. She was right, everything felt good and everything felt better "You're it." Derek said walking out of the trailer and tagging Meredith as she stood right outside the door and then running away.

"You shouldn't test me...I can win this game easily."

"I was the best tag player when I was a kid."

"I have a very different strategy."

"Yeah...What's that?" Derek smiled, dodging her tag.

"It's fairly simple." She panted, chasing after him, reaching for the hem of her shirt and pulling it off.

"That is not fair." He shook his head. "That's cheating."

"Dont' hate the player, hate the game." She replied, tagging him and taking off.

"I'll get you." Derek laughed, running after her.

"Nope...." She giggled, running into the woods.

"Yup." He whispered, coming up from behind her.

"You suck at this." Meredith giggled, running through the bushes and off of the path.

"That's because you're shirt is off and I'm distracted." Derek laughed.

"You're taking way too long." She giggled, tripping over a stick and landing on a pile of leaves.

"Not anymore." He smiled, getting on top of her.

"Get off." Meredith giggled.

"Nope. I win."

"Oh man....." Meredith sighed dramatically.


"We're having sex now aren't we?" She giggled as he lifted her up.

"Possibly." He laughed, throwing her over his shoulder.

"Fine...." She giggled.

"Inside..." Derek said, carrying her back into the trailer.


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