"Did they though?", Martin continued to interrogate me and I faced him again. "I mean, there is nothing going on between you and Lando?" The phrasing of his question took me a little by surprise. I knew they were going to ask this question eventually. I just didn't expect them to be this direct. Maybe they could've talked a bit more around it, but now I couldn't change it anymore. I had to work with what questions I got. In an uncomfortable way, I laughed quietly.

"Oh, no.", I said and then thought about my next words for a split second. "Lando and I are friends, just like I am with Daniel as well. I actually met a lot of the people working at McLaren and all of them were really nice and open towards me. So the gift I lend them for this weekend was supposed to bring them all luck and success. But of course, the main people this was directed to were both of the drivers." Julian made a hand movement to tell me I should make clear that it's not just Lando's gift from me. 

"So I expect the llama to be at Daniel's side today since it had been with Lando yesterday.", I added before waiting for the next questions. The uncomfortable feeling grew bigger and bigger with every second that went by. What I was doing was wrong, but it needed to be done. Natalie looked at me like she didn't believe me or maybe she was just concerned for me, but she played it cool. I bet she picked up my vibe when talking about this.

"Fans were all speculating that you and your boyfriend, actor Lucas Trays, broke up. Any thought or statements on that?", she asked me then. I guess Sky Sports have just become the latest gossip channel.

"Lucas and I are still dating.", I said clearly. "And we're still happy. So I don't know where this is coming from."

"Well, I guess we can not give fans any more inside view on some paddock gossip.", Martin said more towards Natalie than me but I still laughed quietly. Natalie agreed and both of them continued the interview for a couple of more minutes talking about something else than Lando's and my relationship. While listening to the outro of the interview, a slight prayer created itself in my brain, wishing for Lando to never see this interview. I just didn't know how he would react. Apparently, I wasn't really good at knowing people's reactions to my actions anymore. 

The interview soon was over and after being joined by Julian again, we walked towards my next appointment. As he told me this morning, I would now meet up with some other celebrities and quickly talk to them. In presence of cameras, of course. Without them, there wouldn't be any purpose for us. We walked through the paddock to the others, when Julian gave me even more instructions on how to behave. He didn't want to let chance take the wheel here, that was crystal clear.

"And you guys will be walking through the paddock a little, for the cameras.", Julian explained and looked at me from the side, but I was focused on the way in front of me. "I want you to not talk to any driver when you see any." Another wave of anger went through my body, but I nodded restrained. Just go with it, Tia. Don't freak out.

Soon after, I met the other celebrities visiting here and was kind of paired up with Tom Holland, who was a big fan of F1 himself. I was a big fan of his, especially because of Marvel movies, and this would normally be a dream come true, but I just couldn't enjoy this moment. I tried my best to talk to Tom and managed to get a decent conversation with him. I wasn't sure though if he noticed I was a little absent. I just wished I was as good of an actor I imagined to be. 

"Yes, I love the Marvel movies.", I told him friendly as we walked behind three musicians through the paddock. An employee of the Mercedes team guided us to their garage because we were allowed to take a detailed look at the car. 

"Really?", Tom asked back, a little surprised. "Which one is your favourite?" I needed to think for a second.

"Probably 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'.", I answered truthfully and Tom's hand went up to his chest. He played like he was hurt in a very bad way, but then laughed. "I'm sorry.", I said laughing. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now