Chapter Twenty-three: Years pass

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So, I spoke too soon. Ratchet had to leave for Cybertron because Magnus was seriously hurt by more Predacons. I haven't seen him in weeks now. Those weeks turned into months. And those months turned into years. Because Ratchet never came back and no other Cybertronian's came to Earth, whatever the relationship was between them and the government is now over. So I've had to improvise now with living situations. I've moved to a town called Crown City and I've been living in a house away from the city. I have a roommate right now.

Her name is Sarah. And she's been bugging me to find a lover. I haven't told her about Ratchet since he's supposed to be a government secret. So I've kept him a secret. Well, I have told Sarah about Ratchet but said he had to travel for work reasons and I don't know when he'll be back and we haven't been in contact for a while. Which is true. I haven't talked to him in years. I wish I could. I miss him a lot. But, I'm living life and trying not to act as I did. Like a fox.

I'm still a fox but no one knows. I've not told Sarah. I haven't told her much about my life because it's something that should be kept a secret. I guess I also still have trust issues. Especially when it comes to work. I've become an animal carer at a shelter. Because I understand them, I can help them calm down easier if they're strays and need to be taken care of for fleas, injuries, check up on health, things like that. Then overall make sure they're okay, they get the food and water they need, medicine and, of course, love and affection.

I've wanted to adopt one but Sarah won't let me. She's concerned they might not get along with her pet and I understand why. She has about 3 pet ferrets. And they did not like me at first but now they're fine with me. Maybe when I get my own place I'll get a pet. Speaking of animals, I've been asked to come to a scrap yard to get a stray kitten that keeps coming there. They're not causing any trouble. The owner just has someone who's terrified of cats. Well, we don't want them getting scared. I started searching for the cat.

But they weren't coming out so easily. But then I heard a scream so I went to see what the commotion was about. There, in front of me, was a metal dinosaur trying to stay away from the cat that was mentioned. But then I saw something on the dinosaur's leg. And Autobot symbol. Wait! Autobots are back on Earth?! That means Ratchet should be here! The Dinobot was now more concerned that I saw him. Ah! Still going with the whole robots in disguise thing. I picked the cat up and put it in the cage I brought. The owner came and tried to explain the Dinobot.

"It's alright. I know he's an Autobot," I said smiling.

"Wait, what?" He asked.

"Oh, I've known about the Autobots for years now. They recently went home. But I see that they can't stay away forever. But, I have to ask, who else is here?"

I was taken to another area where there were more bots. Bumblebee was here! Never thought I'd see him again! But I was happy too. I met the rest of the team but no Ratchet. I asked about him but no one has seen him since after Optimus sacrificed himself to give life to Cybertron. That's a long time. But Optimus is alive and well again. He's just on the other side of the world with a few more members of Bee's team. But they're handling Decepticons who have come back to Earth.

Something they've been hearing about a lot recently is a Decepticon Island. I can only guess what it's full of. Decepticons. I offered to help but Bee didn't want me in harm's way. Excuse me! I fought Decepticons when Megatron planned to cyber form Earth over five years ago now. I can handle myself. Granted, I had a shock collar to do it and I still have it. Just for memories. I told Bee this but he argued that I got lucky and that these Decepticons are different from the ones I'm used to.

I just rolled my eyes. I can handle myself. I've been through worse. Because I had a job to do, I left with the cat and gave it to my co-workers. When I got home, I went to my room and screamed. Not because I saw anything or anyone there, because I was angry. I'm angry that I was so close yet so far from seeing Ratchet again. I'm angry that Bee doesn't believe I'm capable of handling a few Decepticons after all we've been through. I'm angry that I haven't seen the team in overtime years and they treat me like I'm still a vulnerable fox like when we first met! It's all so frustrating!

"Woah, what happened to you?" Sarah asked outside the door.

"Nothing. Just go feed your ferrets or something," I said laying on my bed.

Sarah just walked in, "it's not nothing if you screamed louder than a fox howl."

"Or as loud. It's none of your business, Sarah. Just having a moment."

"You don't have 'moments'. Tell me what's wrong."

I sighed, "I met an old friend. We once fought together in the army. No, I'm not an army soldier or veteran. I just got caught up in a battle and fought alongside them. Very well, might I add. With that thing," I pointed to the shock collar in a display case.

"Shouldn't you be happy you met an old war buddy?"

"That's what I thought! But he tells me he's fighting some cold war and I offered to help because he knows full well I'm a good fighter. But he uses the 'you're just a citizen' card on me! And that I can't handle myself! I'm sorry! I practically helped you win the battle we were in a d you pull that on me!"

"Just let him have his way. He'll come running when he needs your help."

I guess she's right. If it's a Decepticon Island, he'll need all the help he can get. So he'll come through when he needs me. But we'll see if that happens. But that scream felt good. All that bottled up anger finally let out. I should do it more often.

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