Chapter Six: Stronger, Faster.

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So, the other day, Bulk got some scientific knowledge into his head and started transcribing a new Energon called Synthetic Energon. We didn't get it all because Miko let Bulk out of the base to see if he could get him to remember her and what they do together. The knowledge was taking over his brain and taking all his memories away so I see why she did it. As of now, Ratchet and I have been trying to perfect the Synthetic Energon since we didn't get the rest of the formula out of Bulk. We've done enough to test it on a machine. We need to do enough tests before we use it on the bots. Although we should work fast. We're running out of normal Energon. The Decepticons have more than us. Not a good thing. Raf was watching us perform the first test. Ratchet put a dose in a test machine and it actually made it work!

"Huh! We only have half the formula and it works like a treat!" I said smiling.

Ratchet stopped me from jumping to conclusions, "this iteration of the formula requires further trial before we can even think about using it for fuel, ammunition, or first aid, which is rather unfortunate since our own Energon reserves are at an all-time low. Our severely outnumbered warriors have been rapidly burning through our stockpile of late as the Decepticon army continues to run us ragged and grind us down. Natural Energon is in such short supply on your planet, and Megatron seems to have his oily claws buried deep in all the earth's deposits. But if we can successfully produce a synthetic form, we can manufacture all the energy we'll ever need."

"Sounds like a dream," I smiled.

Ratchet smiled back just as the alarms started going off. More Energon on the move again. We keep detecting Decepticons with Energon. I think they're as desperate for the stuff as us. Optimus was ready to tell everyone to roll out but Ratchet reminded him that, should any of them come back wounded, we might not have enough Energon to help them. It'll all be gone. Optimus remembered that and they all left leaving me, Ratchet and Raf here at the base. Ratchet was looking preoccupied so I monitored the others.

But I quickly stopped that when I heard Ratchet collapse! Raf heard it too. We ran over and climbed up on his chest to check if he was okay. But he was unconscious. We just yelled at him to wake up until he did. But something was different. His eyes weren't the normal light blue. They were green. Why are they green? I pushed that aside for now. I asked him if he was alright which he was but his energy was now up 30% more than usual. What happened between now and the fall? I was going to ask but he asked if we had any word from the team.

We heard nothing from them since they left. He went back to the console and I followed. Then I realized something else. He smells different. I know that's not much to go on but his sent had changed. He usually smells... I don't know how to describe it. But now he smells like he's been in a swamp or something. Just a hint of it, nothing more. Am I missing something? Optimus suddenly called for an emergency groundbridge at Arcee's location. She was chasing the Energon.

Ratchet was ready but Arcee told him not to activate the groundbridge. Well, later he had no choice because suddenly she stopped moving. He went through to help. He hardly ever leaves the base so that was a shock. From there, Raf and I were in the dark. We brought everyone back when they told us to and everyone was fine.

"What happened?" I asked

"I only saw the gory aftermath, but I hear that doc was a one-bot wrecking machine," Bulk said smiling

Ratchet then swooped me off my feet as he did in the dance we did when he tamed me. He gave me a wink then put me back. Ummm, that was new. He never winks at me. It kinda felt like flirting. Was he?! I blushed at the thought.

"All right, what's your secret?" Arcee  asked

"No secret. Just a little something I like to call Synthen," Ratchet threw Arcee a sample.

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