Chapter Three: Learning about her

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We continued to run around the base before stopping again in the main area. She is fast, even with a bad leg. Which looks like it has gotten worse. But she's been tamed now. Perhaps she'll stop hiding now. I hope so. She let me have a look at her leg and it was just as I thought. She tore the stitches. I stitched it back up and put on a new bandage.

"You're very delicate," she said while I wrapped the bandage around her leg.

"You're a delicate being. You should be treated that way," I said.

"Delicate? Me? I wouldn't say that. I've been through more than this, trust me."

"Like what?" I looked at her.

"I'm a fox, sir. I've been hunted, shot, tied up, captured and almost sold. But I've escaped with only bruising and scars."

"That explains why you're so active even with an injured leg."

"I've been running all my life. With an injury like this, it's like a walk in the park," she winced when I tied the bandage a bit too tight.

"Sorry. Do you have a name?"

"No. But, now that you've tamed me, you can give me a name."

"Any name?" I sat next to her.

"Any name. I'll like it anyway. But you need to tell me yours first. I would've caught it yesterday but I was busy."

"Busy hiding. And my name is Ratchet."

"Well, Ratchet, that's not all I was doing. Follow me."

She stood up and went back over to the groundbridge. I followed her. She led me down where she was hiding and showed me where she was. She was exactly where I needed to fix the groundbridge and it was fixed. But how? I haven't been down here to fix it yet. Did she do it? She explained what she did and it was exactly... right. Again, how? She's never seen Cybertron technology before, has she? I asked and she said she's seen similar technology somewhere in a desert.

A broken ship that was split in half. Must be the Decepticon ship, the Harbinger. She experimented with what was still operational and now she knows about as much as I do. That's very impressive for a human. Not even our human friends know as much as she does. But that wasn't my biggest concern. I needed a name for her. I don't like not knowing her name. After seeing everything where it was supposed to be under the groundbridge, we came back up. I helped her because I didn't want the stitches to snap again.

I showed her my true form but she wasn't scared. Most likely because she knew she could trust me. While we waited for the others to arrive, we did more repairs together. She was a great help. I told her more about us Autobots, the war, the team and told her what parts of our technology was called. For the most part, she was quiet, listened, and worked as happy as can be.

It felt nice to be around her. Like you can tell her anything, rant, or just have someone there to talk to and she'll just listen. From how long she's been alone, I suppose listening to anything will be interesting to hear. The team soon returned with the children.

"Hey! You got the girl out," Bulkhead said.

"It wasn't all that hard. All she needed was taming. And I learned something new about her," I said.

"What is that?" Optimus asked.

"I'm a fox!" She said.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"A fox?" Raf asked.

"Not only that, she's better with Cybertronian technology than myself. She fixed the groundbridge like it was a toy," I said.

Optimus looked at her, "what is your name?"

"Ratchet hasn't-"

"(Y/N)," I said quickly, "her name is (Y/N)."

I looked at her to see the reaction to the name I chose. She just looked at me and smiled. (Y/N) it is then. Optimus welcomed her to the team after explaining we can't risk letting her go back to where they found her now she knew about us. And now that the Decepticons know about her too. (Y/N) understood and was happy to stay. But she will need a guardian. I offered instantly. Only because I tamed her and I've been with her the longest.

And I feel she trusts me more than everyone else at the moment. Optimus let me be her guardian. From there, we worked together, talked, listened, and just enjoyed each other's company. But, thanks to (Y/N), we finally had the groundbridge up and running again. But we still need to run a few tests. We got to know each other more and stopped working for a while. She mostly just listened to me talk about whatever was on my mind.

She was interested in everything I talked about. I let her talk about anything on her mind too. If I'm honest, it wasn't much. Just how she's been surviving, what she's seen and all the wisdom she's learned. She reminds me of Optimus before he became a Prime. Wise, loyal, smart, but still knows when to have some fun. I suppose that's part of her fox side. Whatever that's about. While she took a nap, I researched foxes and, come to think of it, from what I've gathered, she has every instinct of an Earth fox.

Agent Fowler had some tests done on her, with her permission, of course, to see why she was like this. All they could gather was that (Y/N) was some kind of an experiment. Her blood was mixed with scientifically engineered fox blood and that turned her into this. But this wasn't human governments who did this or (Y/N) would be in some files. But there was nothing that mentioned trying to make some form a human hybrid. Whoever did it is none of our concern. She's with us now. Not with human scientists. But I do think she will give us a great advantage against the Decepticons.

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