Chapter Five: Shadow Zone

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So, a lot has happened that I didn't feel I should write about. We have some new enemies on both the Decepticon and human side. On the Decepticon side: Knockout, Breakdown, Airacnid and their leader, Megatron. On the human side: a group called MECH who want to re-create Cybertronians for their own use. We've also had to steal something from a museum that got both Miko and I caught. And Energon Harvester. It takes raw Energon from crystals and bots. Bulk broke it. Good thing too.

The Decepticons were going to use it to hurt everyone. But everyone is fine. At least I hope so, anyway. Besides that, I think Ratchet and I are forming a bond. Like, a bigger bond than just the owner/pet relationship. I think we're becoming friends. Like, real friends. I've never had a real friend before. It was usually just the other foxes or animals I find. I can understand them being a fox myself. Or part fox, as everyone keeps telling me. I'm so confused. I guess I'll understand someday.

But, right now, I'm watching the consoles with Ratchet. Just looking for anything suspicious. And, speaking of, we did. Something Ratchet told me about. It's a type of Energon called Dark Energon. It's currently keeping Megatron alive and that's what helped him come back from the dead yesterday. We assumed it was Megatron. He was going to an old place they've been to before. A Decepticon died there. So, I'm going to assume Megatron is going to bring that Decepticon back.

Optimus told Bulk, Bee and Ratchet to go with him to stop whatever Megatron was doing while Arcee took over Ratchet's duties. But turns out all us humans are coming along because Miko decided to sneak out so we followed to stop her! I promised Ratchet I wouldn't run as fast as normal but, for this situation, I had no choice!

I could definitely feel my stitches breaking again. Ratchet won't be happy about that but, I have a bandage on so that'll be fine. I hope. We arrived at a canyon. The kids and I climbed on a rock and the bots didn't even notice us. But something was wrong. That wasn't Megatron with the Dark Energon, it was his second in command, Starscream.

"Let's see some fight of the living dead, already!" Miko said excitedly

"Miko, what were you thinking?" Jack asked.

"She wasn't," I said

"Hey, I totally missed out last time. This could be my only chance to take some snaps," Miko searched for her phone but she didn't have it.

Oh, so that's what I heard drop. I decided to watch the bots. Starscream fired a missile at them so they took cover. Starscream seemed pretty confident in himself because of the Dark Energon. He thought he was untouchable now he had it flowing in his veins. But Optimus proved him wrong by firing at him, taking his arm off. Starscream took his arm and hid behind a rock. That's also around the time Miko made our presence known by yelling at me for making her lose her phone.

Yeah, I may or may not have told her I heard it drop but didn't know it was her phone. Ratchet saw me first and I gave him a sheepish wave. I'm assuming that one of them called a groundbridge because it appeared. But there were two. Ratchet yelled at us to go through our groundbridge. The look on his face and the way he yelled scared me. I wasted no time running into it. I'm going to be in big trouble when they get back. The next thing I remember was an explosion. I'm guessing the bots experienced it too because they were all on the ground.

"W-what just happened?" Bulk asked standing up.

Ratchet groaned and stood up too, "I can't be certain. But if two ground Bridges sent to the same coordinates crossed streams, the feedback could have triggered a system overload."

"Could? Hello, more like totally did," I said

"The kids made it through, right?" Bulk asked.

I'm sorry, what? We're right next to them.

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