Chapter 42: Last breath

Start from the beginning

He began pulling me towards the exit and me being me obviously resisted “What is wrong with you!?” I yelled at him, the crowds all silenced, now worried about what’s going on.


“Don’t call me that!”

His jaw clenches and I can tell he’s angry and he knows that feeling is mutual but he continues to drag me “Lilly that dragon isn’t a dragon! It’s a Jabberwocky!”

Hotjerksaywhat? “Huh?”

“It’s a creature from Wonderland, easily trained to kill a specific target and in all my years I have known of only one person who could slay that thing and she sure as hell isn’t you!” He explains and suddenly I’m no longer resisting him but running along with him towards the exit.

Before we’re actually able to exit an ear shattering shriek breaks through the crowd and in seconds the entire arena erupts in not cheers but chaos. I look behind me to see BloodShed and the blue dragons roaring in reaction to the Jabberwocky breaking free and releasing a continuous stream of deathly fire through it's hallowed mouth.

Knox grabs my hand, pulling me from my distracted trance and pulls me along until we finally reach the exit. He goes to open the door when the sound of alarms echo through the dome and the door we stand at, the only exit, locks.

My eyes widen in fear and I begin to bang on the door, wishing for it's release “The alarm is meant to lock the door, someone is doing this manually!” I scream, my fists constantly making contact with the steel door.

Knox had been doing the same but stopped from my words and looked at me, fear evident in his eyes “They’re trying to kill you.”

My heart seems to sink in that moment, not so much from fear but from defeat. They did it, they won, and I’m going to die.

“Knox why did you come in here if you knew what was going to happen?” I stutter finally ceasing to bang the door.

“I didn’t know this was going to happen, and even if I did I would come. You may hate me right now but my Disney Innocence if we die today you better damn well know I love you!”

“What?” I whisper, staring at him through teary eyes.

“I thought I loved Mack until I met you! Until I realized what love really was and that’s everything I feel for you!” He shouts over the noise of chains being rattle and people screaming louder than their lungs could handle.

I don’t know how to respond, what to say but my chance never comes. A roar sounds out through the stadium capturing both of our attention. Not knowing what else to do I grab onto Knox’s hand, holding on for dear life.

The Jabberwocky charges toward us, breath fire as it goes. In a split second before the fire can reach us Knox grabs my hand pulling me into a run along the perimeter of the arena. We run as fast as our legs can take us until we reach the blue dragon. In fear of the Jabberwocky we hadn’t noticed that one of the blue dragons chains had done undone so when we get close enough it snaps it’s jaw, going for the kill but with Knox’s intense reaction skills we fall back onto the ground, just out of the dragons reach.

I’m going to be honest, I do not like animals so much right now.

Not wasting a moment we turn back to see the monster that is the Jabberwocky advancing towards us once more, but this time there really is no where else to go. Without a conscience thought we back up towards the wall and huddle close together. Knox positioned himself purposefully between the Jabberwocky, still thinking about my safety and me.

By now the arena had been cleared of people, the only sounds left were the deep screams of the dragons, the burning of everything the fire touched, and our beating hearts, beating so fast I believed they would give out before the Jabberwocky even got it's chance to slaughter us.

I held on tightly to Knox, come to the conclusion that I was going to die, all my years, all my experiences were going to end today, and the reason being what? Power? Victory?

“Knox, I’m scared,” I whisper, my breaths coming out uneven. I had thought it wasn’t possible but Knox proved me wrong, gripping me tighter than ever before. He didn’t say anything but he didn’t need to. Knox had broken down my walls, he loved me and I never trusted him, I never believed in him and here we are, not having any time to give us a really chance, but we didn’t need to do that for me to know what I already knew now.

“I love you too,” It wasn’t words so much as a breath but I still said them, and I certainly meant them.

I looked up at the beast standing just in front of us, as it took it’s last big breath generating as much fire as it could Knox and I did the same.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device your using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

I really don't have anything to say right now... that was a difficult chapter to write but it was planned since the begining. As for Athena and Chloe... well your going to have to wait and see in a week or so because I promised myself that I would finish the book before updating again. Theres about six more chapters left and I plan to do them over March break. And of course theres a chance I may just lose my resolve and update anyway but theres a bigger chance I won't.

Picture is just of Knox and Lilly, not really in chapter just a cute picture.

Any way stay classy

TDD <3

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