Chapter 7: Twin Dragons

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Kikyo yells out to the dragon as she reaches out for Itachi with her right hand,"No, don't"!!

Junichi sees Alcaida release his grasp of his hand.

The dragon drops Itachi into its mouth, swallowing him whole as he falls into its long throat. In a glimpse, Itachi was gone, into the stomach of a hungry Temple Dragon.

Junichi froze with freight as he gasps, knowing his only hope of being saved was gone as Itachi fell into the dragon's empty stomach since Alcaida never feeds them. Junichi said not believing this nightmare,"It can't be". Junichi was afraid that this would be the end of his poor weak village.

The dragon swallows him as Kikyo hears it all.

Kikyo froze with an innocent yet sad face, as her tears fell continuously. Her tears fell onto the stone tiles, as her tears echo beyond this huge temple.

Kikyo couldn't believe he was gone, and he was just getting to know him. Kikyo felt he's been in his life before, sadly her memory of Itachi was blank. Her heart however, felt Itachi in her past, presence and future. Kikyo got her hands and lay it onto her heart. It felt as her heart was crushed, like a heart attack, but an attack of sadness knowing Itachi would never see her ever again.

Kikyo's concious tries to get the best of her. She said into her head,"Get over it, he's just a lousy bodyguard, you can replace those anytime you want".

Kikyo says out of her head,"I feel like he's more than that".

Kikyo says to her in her head,"Are you in love with a bodyguard? Only peasants fall in love with traitors"! Kikyo never realized that her contious was replaced with King Yamato's perspective, just disguised in her own voice.

Kikyo tries to best out of Yamato. Kikyo yells back,"Shut up! I can't explain it, but I feel like he's been in my life before".

Her concious fights back in her head,"He's dead now, time to get over him and focus on your married future with your fiancé".

Kikyo said as calm as she could,"No, not yet though, I lost someone dear to me today, now should be the time we all mourn for him".

Her concious gives up,"Fine, just don't go marrying' him or whatever". Her concious left or stayed quiet.

Kikyo stops crying. She says to herself,"I can't believe that he's gone, and to think I was getting to know him".

Junichi sat there, hopeless and defeated. Alcaida laughs with victory that the village would all be in his possession. Junichi looks down with sorrow,"This can't be happening". Alcaida looks at Junichi as he smiles with victory. Alcaida grabs a hold of Junichi's cloak from the front with his left hand as he lifts him off the ground. Alcaida says to Junichi,"And you thought they would save you, without him she's useless, without her he's useless". Junichi says to Alcaida as he tries to losen his grip over him,"He's alive I say, he'll be back, swear on my life".

Alcaida looks into Junichi, Alcaida stops smiling. Alcaida gets his right hand out. Alcaida says to Junichi,"Very well then". Alcaida snaps his right fingers, making the chains subside, Junichi was released. Alcaida says to Junichi while he looks serious,"You have twenty minutes to prove your theory". Alcaida lets go of Junichi. Junichi lands on his feet, unharmed. Alcaida Summons a spell to teleport him to the part of the Temple Kikyo remains in. Junichi disappeared from Alcaida's sight.

As one last tear falls from Kikyo's face, it echoed loudly. The dragon heard her, he was released from Alcaida's possession, however, he was really hungry. The dragon turned around. It looked into Kikyo as she froze there, sad, alone, and friendless. The dragon was ready to swallow Kikyo whole as to what he's done to Itachi. Kikyo stood up as she walks backwards, not knowing what to do for a moment until she remembers what Itachi said to her before he lost his consciousness. "Kikyo, " Kikyo heard for a moment Itachi's voice in her head as he reminds her, "go without me," as Itachi says, warning her before he got eaten.

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