ابدأ من البداية

We got our stuff out the back and walked inside. I waited until we got all the way inside to interrogate her some more.

"You still cheating?"

"No, I'm not cheating. That was a one time thing. I learned how much I valued him when we weren't talking."

"Awwww, that's so cute." I went over and hugged her. "But, for real, don't break his heart again, okay?" I backed up to look her in her mink-lashed eyes.

"I won't. Now, shhh, before he comes in and hears us talking about him."

I went into the kitchen to get some snacks and some water, when I heard Lijah come through the door.

"Babyyyyy!" Des yelled.


I refrained from walking into the living room for a minute to give them their moment.

I walked over gave my brother a quick hug. Losing Armani made me realize how important it was to cherish my brother.

"Why you hug me for, wacko?" He looked at me like I was crazy.


We followed Des to go sit on the couch. I was excited to eat these damn ropes.

"I'm giving the first rope to my beloved best friend for entering mother hood. Gigi," she paused, "I am so grateful to call you a sister and a friend. You are an amazing person and-"

"Nigga, if you don't just give me the damn rope." I stopped her speech.

She flipped her honey brown braids over her shoulder, "Okay damn. Here." Des passed two to both of us.

"Cheers." She said before we stuck them in our mouths.

"What y'all wanna do while we wait for this shit to kick in?" Lijah said.

"Oh, you just reminded me! I wanna talk to my son." I excused my self and made my way into my sister's room.

I was missing my little baby. I hardly spent anytime apart from Samari and, now, it felt weird to be away from him.

"Yes, baby?" Savior picked up the facetime.

"Hey, lemme see Mari." I got to the point.

Savior turned the camera to show our son getting a bath, "Say hi to mama."

"Hi, papa! I miss you," I cooed.

My heart warmed when Mari smiled at me through the screen. He was sitting in the sink adorably in his blue bath seat with toys all around him.

"I have to go so I'll see you later, papa. Mama loves you."

Sav turned the camera back around to face him, "What time you gonna be back?"

"Ion know, late. Why? You miss me?"

"Yea, nigga. You needa get your fine ass back home
and in bed."

"Don't worry bout me." I shrugged.

"I always do." He copied my shrug.

"Mhmm, I'll be home later."

"Ight, love you."

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