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"S𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓"
𝑺𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑹 | 𝒔𝒂𝒗
Atlanta 📍

"Fuck! This is so stupid, bruh! These tiles won't even fucking lay right! How am I supposed to get this out by later!" Majia yelled with her head in hands.

I heard that this was always one of the busiest weekends in the year. I wasn't that nervous or worked up, but Jia had been stressed about it since last week on our way back from the tattoo shop.

"Gee, it's fine. You have a ton of other stuff that can be put out. You don't need to keep worrying about this." I tried to calm her down from my spot diagonal from her on the cold floor.

"But I was really excited about the mosaic! Now everyone's gonna see all the works that I'm not as happy with. Why would anyone wanna buy shit that the artist doesn't even like?" She leaned her head against the wall and her long braids touched the floor.

"There's no reason not to like any of them, Jia. If you really want the mosaic done then go try to finish it. Why you sitting here pouting when you could be fixing it?" I said to her.

When she was like this, it was easier to let her know what it was. Majia was the type of person that you had to be straight forward and stern with. She thought she was hard to read but I saw right through her.

"Yea, you right." She got up and sat down on her stool in those black leggings that shaped her body perfectly. "You already finished yours?

"Yeah, I had some at my house that I been wanting to present for a long ass time. This was the perfect opportunity," I was kind of nonchalant.

"Are they already out there?" She asked as she rearranged her utensils.

"Yeah, I'll show them to you lat-" I was cut off by the sound of Ant's voice.

"Savior! There's a girl out here that wants to come in to see you! Should I let her come through? She say she your girlfriend!" Anthony spoke.

I assumed it was Arianna, "Uh, yeah sure."

I made it clear that she wasn't my girl, but she didn't take no for an answer. She walked in with that little purse in her hand. The first thing she did was give Jia a dirty look. I didn't feel like putting up with this today.

"Hey, babes."

"Yo, Ari, what are you doing here? How did you even find out where I work?" I was confused.

"You told me. Anyways, what you doing in here?" She looked around.

"Man, I didn't. You got no business in here, so get out. I'll talk to you later." I tried to get her to leave.

But she wouldn't budge, "What's up witchu? Why you being so sneaky? You got sum going on with this bitch right here?" Ari pointed over to Jia causing her to respond.

"Uh, excuse you Miss Savior's girlfriend, but Ion even know you. I'd appreciate if you just minded your business and referred to me by my name when talking about me. My names Majia, love." She didn't even turn around.

"I don't got time for this. Savior call me when you get away from this gay ass job. I just wanted to come see you." Arianna got on her tippy-toes and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

But what made me a little annoyed was when she called my job 'gay.' A nigga can't even enjoy something without people calling it gay. That's why I didn't want those niggas to know about this shit.

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