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"𝑨𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒈 2"
MAJIA | jia
Atlanta 📍
I bought a pottery machine, because doc told me to treat myself. Pottery was always fun.

Samari was on his tummy time mat right beside me while I spun the pottery wheel. Me and my son were becoming best friends.

"Stay here. Mama needs to go do sum." I never he wouldn't move anyway.

Savior hadn't really been out of bed much in the last few days. It was a struggle trying to take care of both of our mental states at the same time but I was doing my best.

"Sav, you wanna do pottery with me? The wheel came in." I went to the side of the bed.

He had his bare tatted arm covering his eyes and the black melt half way up his body, "Nah, I'm good."

"Come on, you know you love pottery. Please? It's family time." I urged.

The only way Savior wasn't zoned out was if it was about Samari.


I led him back into the room where he sat down next to Mari. I could tell that he wanted to pick him up, but Mari's doctor told us that he needed to spend time on his stomach.

I tried focusing on the cup I was making, but pottery wasn't my specialty. It was Savior's.

"Can you help me?"

Savior got the extra stool and put it directly behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and reached to put his hands over mine.

"Move your thumb, bae. You making a dent," His hand  guided mine.

He dipped his hands in the bowl of water on the table next to us before shaping my hands for me.

"Don't be afraid to touch the clay, Gee. It's not gonna mold that easily." He said lowly.

I followed his directions, occasionally looking down at Samari who seemed to be enjoying tummy time.

The mug was looking pretty good. It wasn't as weird looking as it was before. Pottery was a form of art that could easily take my mind off of things. I wanted Sav to take his mind off things too.

"I think it's done."

He listened to me and took his hands off mine. Now, it had to dry, be painted, and then cleaned up.

I got up to wash my hands first because Mari wanted to be picked up. He was getting whiny. So, Sav did the same.

"Come here, papa." I picked my baby up. "What's wrong?"

Samari's face still held that's expression that babies made when they were about to cry. I had fed him and changed his diaper before working with the clay, so I was confused on why he was so upset.

"He just upset that we weren't giving him attention. He spoiled." Savior told me.

My son deserved to be spoiled, period.


Sav got back into bed first. Occasionally, he wanted us to lay with him, but most of the time he didn't mind laying there alone.

I got into bed with him anyway and turned on my show.

Samari was taken out of my arms to lay on Savior's chest. No matter what I did, Sav would always be Mari's favorite.

"Where's  his Elmo blanket? This one right here lowkey kinda thin."

I reached to the end of the bed to pass it to him.  I knew this meant that it was both of their nap times.

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