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"𝑰𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔"
MAJIA | jia
Atlanta 📍

I woke up with Savior still asleep in my chest. I rubbed a hand through his hair before deciding to get into the shower. 

I put my blue shower cap on and thought about what Sav told me last night. Maybe I was overthinking but him telling me that 'he thinks he loves me ' was enough to give me anxiety. I didn't wanna let him down. It was so much commitment and pressure for me to officialize it by saying I loved him back.

Also, I didn't know if I loved him. I knew that I felt strongly about him and that I wanted to be with him but I didn't wanna risk it by using the 'L' word just yet. I mean, it felt like love, but he was drunk and I was not ready to make the full commitment yet. I needed time to tell him how I felt.

I lathered my dove soap as I contemplated what to do next. This shit was stressful and it was hard for me to think under stress.

Honestly, Savior could've just been drunk talking. How was I supposed to know what he said was true?He might not have even remembered what he said when he woke up. 

What I needed to do was calm down. I couldn't let him know that I was feeling some type of way about what he said last night. We hadn't fought in a few days and I didn't wanna be the cause of the next one. It was probably good if we just kept our thoughts about last night thoughts anyway.

I finished up in the shower and walked back into the room to see Savior checking his phone on the night stand.

I went over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips, "You have fun last night?"

"Mhm, yea it was cool. Seen a bunch of people that I ain't seen in a while." He murmured and covered his eyes with his tatted arm. His hair was in a loose bun on top of his head.

"Good." I went to my draws to get some clothes to put on.

"Baby, can you bring me some tylenol?"

"Of course. I knew you was gonna have a hang over," I went into the nightstand draw to get it.

"Thank you."

I put on a shorts and a tube top and got back into bed. Turning on the TV, I wanted to go back to watching those art videos. They were so entertaining because I found a show that artists challenge each other on on youtube. I was getting really invested in it.

"This show not even that good for you to be sitting here not blinking like that," Sav said from beside me.

"Shhh, it is. 'Cause I can critique everything they do and I know where their artwork will be their downfall. They're amateurs so it's really easy to tell what they're doing wrong." I explained.

"So, you just watch this show to get satisfaction from you being right." He joked.

"Yes. It's the best part." I said seriously.

He laughed, and then went quiet for a second. "Be my girlfriend?"

Was he stupid? Like was he actually dumb?

"I'm already your girlfriend..." I turned to look at him.

"Not officially." He put a hand on my thigh.

"What? I thought I was. I just assumed I was cause we went on a date, we fight, and we fuck. Plus, we together like everyday," I paused the show so I didn't miss anything.

"Ight, Jia. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page," He shrugged.

I tensed up. The only reason he could be saying that was because of his drunk rant yesterday. I wanted him to feel like he wasn't wasting his time with me but it was hard. I always had trouble with be open with my feelings in a relationship.

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